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Everything posted by violinparts

  1. I got everything correct. Live, live secret key, live client key. Everything else is correct. Now it shows correctly loaded. Paypal checkout works sometimes, sometimes NOT. Website payment standard simply does not work. Looks like it is a U.S. issue.
  2. I thought I would quickly start using TB for my new online store. But, now, it's not much of use without a functioning Paypal.
  3. After following all requirements, client id, secret id and filling out return url (in paypal) it keeps showing below even though all have been enabled (yes) In order to provide the best checkout experience, all profiles have to be loaded and available. Unfortunately, some profiles are missing: Website Payments Standard: Website Payments Plus: Express Checkout:
  4. Ok. I got it through google search. Hope it won't be included in your coming 1.1.X versions. No question, it irks online buyers.
  5. How can I remove birth of date in account registration?
  6. Thanks again.
  7. I checked spam in outlook - it is not there. So, is it a must to use domain email to have it received in email? How to remove that notice?
  8. Hi, I have these issues When I click on permissions in administration (admin panel), I see a list of errors: Notice on line 366 in file /home/partbiola/public_html/cache/smarty/compile/4c/18/50/4c18509ebae805c3ea8acbff4cdea70c7aad50c3.file.form.tpl.php [8] Undefined offset: 103 lines: 366, 372, 373, 380, 387 2). I tested contact us, the message does not get to email. It shows on admin panel but does not go through to email that has been set in website. 3). I would love have Piwik tested on my site. Thanks, Simon
  9. Hi, I have these issues 1) When I clock on permissions in administration (admin panel), I see a list of errors: Notice on line 366 in file /home/partbiola/public_html/cache/smarty/compile/4c/18/50/4c18509ebae805c3ea8acbff4cdea70c7aad50c3.file.form.tpl.php [8] Undefined offset: 103 lines: 366, 372, 373, 380, 387 2). I tested contact us, the message does not get to email. 3). I don't mind testing Piwik. thanks, Simon
  10. thanks.
  11. Hi, Now that you are all here. Please help with how I can remove telephone signs and no on pages. I plan to to use the basic theme and don't want phone signs and numbers on my site. thanks, Simon
  12. Hi Lesley, So what is the solution? Remove those stats? Could you help? You still have access?
  13. Also, my server works very well with 1.7, 1.6 prestashops and other sites.
  14. It's easy to put the blame on server.
  15. You can have the access from lesley.
  16. No. My server runs two other non-prestashop websites very well.
  17. I don't think thirtybees is ready as a live online store yet. It is still not working properly yet - too many problems still. I will just continue with my existing prestashop.
  18. Ok. Got it. But those round arrows in admin panel are still moving - looks like turning off demo mode is not working.
  19. Also, I cannot find where I can replace "Acme Corporation" in footer with my own site's name. Not in blockcms translation. Neither in footer.tpl This is confusing.
  20. Any idea why they just keep moving?
  21. I mean that two arrows that make the round shape - just keeps moving.
  22. Hi, It keeps buzzing when trying to turn off the demo mode. Please advise. tks,
  23. Thanks!! Begin to like thirtybees more than my existing presta.
  24. This is my first time using this forum. Where in the forum I can PM you? tks, Simon
  25. To be precise 7.0.22
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