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Everything posted by violinparts

  1. Is it safe to update 1.0.4 to 1.0.7 using updater module?
  2. Cache has been cleared. Caching is also disabled - still does not come up in new arrivals.
  3. TB 1.0.7 was fresh-installed using Softaculous on CPanel - no issue with installation. However, product listing does not show up in New Arrival. It comes up in category and search only. See: tb.karir4.com - product listing Lilly Pulitzer. This is a test site.
  4. If you want to be paid, just say so. I clearly know to say thanks. See, this thread back. As conversation going on, I need to make sure based on what I see. Your vote is clearly lacking validity. You are the one who screwed and unreasonable. I need to add that my site using this TB is both in live and test mode. The site makes NO money till today. I am not a coder by any stretch and I have been spending time trying and checking possible errors that other people might not have seen.
  5. It's clear to me you are the one without common sense.
  6. You must insane. Why are you talking about parents? Maybe your parents should teach you manners. My parents are the best in the world. Conversation was still going. Replying fix code referred was alrerady in the module. Meaning to check and verify. It's clear to me that you are the one without manner. Your parents that are one that never did teach you manners.
  7. What manners? It does not make any sense. I just replied that the fix mentioned is already in 2.1.3 cronjob module.
  8. wonder what you are talking about now
  9. It is already there. See: \Cronjobs::TABLE, [ 'updatedat' => ['type' => 'sql', 'value' => 'NOW()'], 'active' => ['type' => 'sql', 'value' => 'IF(one_shot = TRUE, FALSE, active)'], ], 'id_cronjob = '.(int) $cron['idcronjob']
  10. I am checking the fix again.
  11. Where to find the security token? On the cron links on the Cron module page token= ............... ? My other modules that come with cron links have their own security tokens.
  12. You mean on the cronjobs module page?
  13. @doclucas Hi, How or where can I find that security token for the cron url? Also, I find the fix for cronjobs module seems to be already there in cronjobs module 2.1.3. Am I correct?
  14. I understand that, and I know how to change manufacturer to brand and manufacturers to brands in translations. And I have made such changes from the first time I began to use PS and TB. However, I do not find manufacturer in Elasticsearch module translations. The word "manufacturer" - in relation to Elasticsearch module - shows up when searching - in my site case rackmetro.com - using brand or brands. Again, nowhere in Elasticsarch module translations can I find the field manufacturer where I can translate the word to brand.
  15. Thanks a lot!! Works great.
  16. Sorry. It works in the results after choosing force recompile template in performance. %20 is gone in search result. Thanks. But %20 still shows up in search bar after pressing enter. This needs to be resolved too.
  17. The issue - %20 - persists. It does not solve the issue, just getting worse. The search does not show anything now after pressing enter. For now, I will remove the elasticsearch back to my savvysearch module.
  18. I believe it will be annoying to many users. Something that needs to be fixed by TB quickly. Doesn't show up though on Safari.
  19. That's what I mean. I bet it shows up also on your site.
  20. That's really strange. Have you tried to press enter next to the two words search? %20 shows in between - as you see in my attachment - on Firefox and Chrome. It does not show up on Safari. You will see it when you press Enter next to two words - on Chrome, Firefox, Android.
  21. %20 shows in between when searching using two words See screenshot attached.
  22. How to replace the word "manufacturer" with "brand" in elasticsearch filter? Didn't find in translations. Future version Must never use the word "manufacturer." Manufacturers of one product line can be one, two, several or more. They can be in China, Poland, Vietnam, etc - anywhere in the world. It's impossible to know. What matters is brand - again Brand. Who, where a product is manufactured, no one gives a shit.
  23. I am using php 7.2.8. with elasticsearch version 5.4.3 as you see on my site - it's working.
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