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Everything posted by violinparts

  1. tks. I am contact with cloudways.
  2. Will it continue as long as I keep cloudways CDN?
  3. what is CORs policy for CDN?
  4. no blocking extension. My site: Rackmetro.com - see in on Chrome. tks.
  5. To be precise, It shows on Chrome.
  6. I just noticed another issue related to caching. When caching is on, the social icons of module Social networking show as boxes. See attachment. Hope this be fixed soon. /var/folders/1y/v263qmpn1gb1bqm923m0h40000gn/T/ro.nextwave.Snappy/ro.nextwave.Snappy/77A4A4DC-94F9-458A-8B08-F0FF3E65AB11.png
  7. I fixed it using the code given here. Will the update override it? tks.
  8. On home page it shows as "Popular." The module behind is "featured products on the homepage."
  9. tks again. I wonder though if affects positions. Just now, I can no longer drag a module with a mouse to change position.
  10. You are probably right. It may still be connected to the default caching. In my case, newly listed products will show in New arrivals home page after I disable and clear cache. Or it may simply be that the new products block module does not work properly.
  11. It is 0 by default. Then I changed it to 60 minutes yesterday. It did not work. After more than 60 minutes - several hours, no change. Newest products, still, did not show up on New arrivals on home page.
  12. It is 0 by default. Then I changed it to 60 minutes yesterday. It did not work.
  13. Hi, Newly listed product does not show on home page New Arrivals (new products block) automatically when caching (including full page caching) is on. I have to disable the caching and clear cache every time a new product is listed to make it show up on New arrivals. What is the issue here? Is it not possible to make new products show up when caching is one?
  14. Can you be more specific what file to edit? And the path please?
  15. I mean font size of product (NOT production) description. tks.
  16. Hi, How can I make the font size for production description larger?
  17. Got it. I simply changed the db prefix from tb_ to something else. Then, it gets connection. TKS. Great to have an alternative to prestashop.
  18. Otherwise, there is no database connection as shown in Installation Assistant.
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