I did an override of initFooter in FrontController, this way i can add a file called custom.css with all the custom css i want, but maybe use another folder for the file:
public function initFooter()
$hookFooter = Hook::displayHook('displayFooter');
$extraJs = Configuration::get(Configuration::CUSTOMCODE_JS);
$extraJsConf = '';
if (isset($this->php_self) && $this->php_self == 'order-confirmation') {
$extraJsConf = Configuration::get(Configuration::CUSTOMCODE_ORDERCONF_JS);
if ($extraJs) {
$hookFooter .= '<script type="text/javascript">'.$extraJs.'</script>';
if ($extraJsConf) {
$hookFooter .= '<script type="text/javascript">'.$extraJsConf.'</script>';
'HOOK_FOOTER' => $hookFooter,
'conditions' => Configuration::get(Configuration::CONDITIONS),
'id_cgv' => Configuration::get(Configuration::CONDITIONS_CMS_ID),
'PS_SHOP_NAME' => Configuration::get(Configuration::SHOP_NAME),
'PS_ALLOW_MOBILE_DEVICE' => Context::getContext()->theme->supportsMobileVariant(),
$this->addCSS(_THEME_CSS_DIR_.'custom.css', 'all');
* RTL support
* rtl.css overrides theme css files for RTL
* iso_code.css overrides default font for every language (optional)
if ($this->context->language->is_rtl) {