Yes, I've used v3.4.5 from your post here.
Did you try with the basic configuration?
can you try to add this code to `sendMessage` function at the beginning.
'template_vars => '.implode(PHP_EOL, $template_vars).PHP_EOL.'send_to => '.$send_to.PHP_EOL.'email => '.$email.PHP_EOL
the sendMessage function located at modules/callforprice/controllers/front/AjaxForm.php file at line 68. just add it before this line ```
$mail = Mail::Send(
so you will have something like this.
public function sendMessage($template_vars, $send_to, $email = false){
'template_vars => '.implode(PHP_EOL, $template_vars).PHP_EOL.'send_to => '.$send_to.PHP_EOL.'email => '.$email.PHP_EOL
$mail = Mail::Send(
once you try to submit a new call for price form in product page you will see a new file called `log.txt` inside the module folder.
paste the content of the file here.