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yaniv14 last won the day on September 17 2024

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  1. in this single example you sent I think changing: 'context' => (Configuration::get('PS_MULTISHOP_FEATURE_ACTIVE') == 0) ? 1 : ($this->context->shop->getTotalShops() != 1) ? $this->context->shop->getContext() : 1 to 'context' => (Configuration::get('PS_MULTISHOP_FEATURE_ACTIVE') == 0) ? 1 : (($this->context->shop->getTotalShops() != 1) ? $this->context->shop->getContext() : 1) would do the trick
  2. Can you verify that you have under advanced parameters -> email "html and text"
  3. sorry i forgot to mention, you need to put it between lines 2096-2097. before this line throw new Exception($this->lang('data_not_accepted'), self::STOP_CRITICAL);
  4. Based on the line of the error in PHPMailer.php it seems like its failing when its trying to check/validate your email address in your server (email mx). Can you try different email addresses? preffered gmail. I am talking about the email you set under the module configuration page "Send notification for". btw: you can also log to file the results of phpmailer similar to what you did before. file_put_contents('email_log.txt', json_encode($bad_rcpt)); this will write the file to the root folder of your shop and the file name will be 'email_log.txt' you should see in the file 'to' and 'error'
  5. Yes, I've used v3.4.5 from your post here. Did you try with the basic configuration? can you try to add this code to `sendMessage` function at the beginning. file_put_contents( __DIR__.'/../../log.txt', 'template_vars => '.implode(PHP_EOL, $template_vars).PHP_EOL.'send_to => '.$send_to.PHP_EOL.'email => '.$email.PHP_EOL ); the sendMessage function located at modules/callforprice/controllers/front/AjaxForm.php file at line 68. just add it before this line ``` $mail = Mail::Send( so you will have something like this. public function sendMessage($template_vars, $send_to, $email = false){ file_put_contents( __DIR__.'/../../log.txt', 'template_vars => '.implode(PHP_EOL, $template_vars).PHP_EOL.'send_to => '.$send_to.PHP_EOL.'email => '.$email.PHP_EOL ); $mail = Mail::Send( once you try to submit a new call for price form in product page you will see a new file called `log.txt` inside the module folder. paste the content of the file here.
  6. are you able to send other email from your tb shop? I just installed the module you posted here on my local bleeding edge version of tb 1.7 on PHP 8.3, setup the hooks for the product.tpl and the form submission works fine. I did get an email and a valid confirmation message. I just used the basic configuration of the module. Use global settings for all products, = yes Send notification for = my email, Activate for all products = yes, Show "Call For Price" button = yes
  7. its hard to tell because I am not familiar with the module. I recommend getting the latest available version of the module that suitable for prestashop v1.6. if you are using PHP 8 and the module is compatiable with PHP 8 than you might get lucky. test the module and if you get any errors post the error log and I am sure we will be able to help you fix it.
  8. try to get an error log from your server and post the error log here
  9. try to fix other issues for same table before trying this one
  10. just change private to protected in line 9
  11. just place it after the beginning of the class class Hook extends HookCore { protected static $_hook_modules_cache_exec = null; ..... }
  12. after you installed phpmailer module did you configure the smtp for the module?
  13. After you installed the phpmailer module, did you selected it as email transport?
  14. it looks like you upgrade did not finish correctly. this 'product_attribute_shop.width' column introduced in todays commits and was suppose to be added to your db as part of the upgrade, without the need to go to the db part and do a manual db upgrade. I would suggest to try the upgrade again.
  15. its probably not working because the autoload css files loads before the modules css files. so the original superfish-modified.css has higher priority than your modified version. you will probably need to use some !important declaration or get a better specificy than the origin class/id.
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