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Posts posted by yaniv14

  1. in global.css

    Lines 3482-3483 should be: border-bottom-left-radius: 20px; border-top-left-radius: 20px;

    Lines 3497-3498 should be: border-bottom-right-radius: 20px; border-top-right-radius: 20px;

  2. @Havouza you know that each page set its name as id for the body.

    So basically if you want something for a specific page you can use something like:

    cms td {something}

    category td {something else}

  3. Just google shopping sites in US/Europe. You will probably find a billion. I dont recommend looking at the big ones, like: macys, oldnavy, etc.... I know that eCommerce also indicates about returns, transactions and stuff. and thats why I recommend eCommerce instead of Dropbox

  4. Look at other eCommerce website and copy/paste from their TOC. And make changes where necessary. Or if you have allot of spare money you can find a local lawyer that deal with internet.

  5. Its hard without seeing the module files and debugging the error.

    basically the error is because line 31 ($SimpleBlogPost = SimpleBlogPost::getByRewrite($this->simpleblogpostrewrite, $id_lang);) is trying to retrieve a post object by its rewrite (slug) and it returns none, so the following function on line 33 is not working without a post object ($SimpleBlogPost->isAccessGranted()).

    I am not familiar with this module so I cannot help you. But maybe you got lucky on the forum with someone who familiar with it.

  6. Why are you extending FrontController with CategoryController. Aren't you looking to override CategoryController? which in this case you need to do: class CategoryController extends CategoryControllerCore

  7. in your override you have: public static function cccCss() that needs to be changed to: public static function cccCss($cssfiles, $cachepath = null)

    p.s. every time you change something inside override folder, you need to delete class_index.php from cache

  8. Look at your Media.php file in the override folder. The core Media:cccCss method needs to get 2 params and in your override you are not giving anything. I dont know what is inside the override cccCss(), but you can try add an empty array to it, just to see if its enough.

    Media::cccCss([], null).

    and dont forget to delete class_index.php

  9. Basically the add to cart will add the default combination to card. You can setup in BO to hide the add to cart button when product has attributes, which mean that the only button will be 'view' that takes the user to the product page.

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