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Posts posted by yaniv14

  1. I would like to implant a google reCaptcha in TB core functionality. I think this is too important to have built in instead of as a module. I need to know if the mod's will approve this kind of PR.

    If going that way, I think it should be in Preferences -> General or Preferences -> Store contacts. It required 2 text fields for public and private keys and maybe enable/disable switch.

    It can be used for contact us page, registration page, send to a friend module.

    Any thoughts?

  2. Now I see where I was wrong. I looked at the main repo as the only repo, when I should have worked with different repos for different checkout/commits. I'll probably start again from scratch and redo my PR again as well.

  3. I've started modifying rtl.scss and rtl.css but I don't have the files ready for commit. I dont see that file or folder being ignored anywhere.

    It will be hard for me to contribute if I can't get basic things to work.

  4. Hi,

    I've just started from scratch following everything on this list: https://github.com/ThirtyBees/thirtybees/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md. Fork, clone, composer install & create new branch. After that I installed TB from browser "...../install-dev"

    After finishing with the installation I ran git status and I have 75 changes not staged for commit. Here is the list:

    C:\wamp\www\thirtybees>git status On branch yaniv Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules)

        modified:   mails/en/account.html
        modified:   mails/en/account.txt
        modified:   mails/en/backoffice_order.html
        modified:   mails/en/backoffice_order.txt
        modified:   mails/en/bankwire.html
        modified:   mails/en/bankwire.txt
        modified:   mails/en/cheque.html
        modified:   mails/en/cheque.txt
        modified:   mails/en/contact.html
        modified:   mails/en/contact.txt
        modified:   mails/en/contact_form.html
        modified:   mails/en/contact_form.txt
        modified:   mails/en/credit_slip.html
        modified:   mails/en/credit_slip.txt
        modified:   mails/en/download-product.tpl
        modified:   mails/en/download_product.html
        modified:   mails/en/download_product.txt
        modified:   mails/en/employee_password.html
        modified:   mails/en/employee_password.txt
        modified:   mails/en/forward_msg.html
        modified:   mails/en/forward_msg.txt
        modified:   mails/en/guest_to_customer.html
        modified:   mails/en/guest_to_customer.txt
        modified:   mails/en/in_transit.html
        modified:   mails/en/in_transit.txt
        modified:   mails/en/lang.php
        modified:   mails/en/log_alert.html
        modified:   mails/en/log_alert.txt
        modified:   mails/en/newsletter.html
        modified:   mails/en/newsletter.txt
        modified:   mails/en/order_canceled.html
        modified:   mails/en/order_canceled.txt
        modified:   mails/en/order_conf.html
        modified:   mails/en/order_conf.txt
        modified:   mails/en/order_conf_cart_rules.tpl
        modified:   mails/en/order_conf_cart_rules.txt
        modified:   mails/en/order_conf_product_list.tpl
        modified:   mails/en/order_conf_product_list.txt
        modified:   mails/en/order_customer_comment.html
        modified:   mails/en/order_customer_comment.txt
        modified:   mails/en/order_merchant_comment.html
        modified:   mails/en/order_merchant_comment.txt
        modified:   mails/en/order_return_state.html
        modified:   mails/en/order_return_state.txt
        modified:   mails/en/outofstock.html
        modified:   mails/en/outofstock.txt
        modified:   mails/en/password.html
        modified:   mails/en/password.txt
        modified:   mails/en/password_query.html
        modified:   mails/en/password_query.txt
        modified:   mails/en/payment.html
        modified:   mails/en/payment.txt
        modified:   mails/en/payment_error.html
        modified:   mails/en/payment_error.txt
        modified:   mails/en/preparation.html
        modified:   mails/en/preparation.txt
        modified:   mails/en/refund.html
        modified:   mails/en/refund.txt
        modified:   mails/en/reply_msg.html
        modified:   mails/en/reply_msg.txt
        modified:   mails/en/shipped.html
        modified:   mails/en/shipped.txt
        modified:   mails/en/test.html
        modified:   mails/en/test.txt
        modified:   mails/en/voucher.html
        modified:   mails/en/voucher.txt
        modified:   mails/en/voucher_new.html
        modified:   mails/en/voucher_new.txt
        modified:   modules/authorizeaim (untracked content)
        modified:   modules/blocktopmenu (untracked content)
        modified:   modules/cronjobs (untracked content)
        modified:   modules/mailchimp (untracked content)
        modified:   modules/stripe (untracked content)
        modified:   modules/themeconfigurator (untracked content)
        modified:   translations/en.gzip

    no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

    So what next?

  5. You will need to run a cron job every few minutes/hours or you can switch payment service to something more modern. You will need to create a controller in your module that check if you payment as been processed and update whatever you need, and run this controller with cron.

  6. I am trying to add RTL support for the default theme. basically rtl is not only adding direction: rtl to *. To do it properly I need to change bootstrap grid flotation and more. All stylesheets being compiled from scss and bootstrap is being included in global.scss.

    Any recommendations on how to it nicely?

  7. What's the different between the two folders inside the community-theme. I can see that the css folder is the one that being used in the front office. And it seems that the stylesheets folder is used for the scss to css compiling. So why do we need to stylesheets folder? why not compiling to css instead?

  8. @mdekker Can you please check if files/folder exists in your repo are also in the gitignore? I just started with this fork, I didn't do any modification yet, so there is no point to start over.

    Can you please check it for me? can you re clone your project to a new folder and do a web installation and see if you have anything in the uncommit files.

  9. Actually in categories is not that bad. c/103-category_default/bracelets.jpg

    c = categories images folder 103 = category ID category_default = image preference type

    In product is a bit more complicated because the image is being saved under the image ID and not the product ID. so product image ID 3652 will be saved in: p/3/6/5/2/3652.jpg (p = product images folder)

    • Like 1
  10. Hi,

    After forking and cloning the repo, I've installed TB locally and noticed bunch of files/folders added to my uncommitted files. I ran git rm -rf --cached . & git add . But now I have about 1500 uncommitted files. Is it possible that the original ignored files is different than the one I have. I would like to start contributing but ate to start on the wrong foot.

    I also noticed that RTL support (Front & Back) is depreciated allot from PS version, why is that?

  11. I don't know if this is a good solution in your case. But you can setup something general for all products meta, like:

    Some info about my site/company.... and product {product name} from category {default category name}.......

    Of course this is just a general idea, where you have the same few sentences and you pull the Product name + Category dynamically.

    And you can modify meta class to use this description all the time if you did not enter something else in the product meta.

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