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  1. I've just heard from a customer saying my TB site isn't working properly. Several pages just come up with the 500 Server Error page (including admin pages such as modules and services. In my admin area I see a message saying "Your server is running on PHP version 8.2.23. You should use core updater and fix your installation" I went to the core updater to update and I get an message saying "Unsupported module version! - You have outdated version of Core Updater module. Thirty bees API server does not support version 1.6.1 anymore. Please download and install the latest version 1.6.9" I've downloaded the latest version of the core updater module but dont know how to install it. I cant access the modules and services page. Any help would be appreciated please. bw ... Shaun
  2. Is there a 30Bs module that will allow customers to select the price they want to pay (or donate) to receive a digital download product?
  3. Looks like the latest Stripe API has broken the module again. It also seems I cannot rollback the Stripe API (please correct me if I'm wrong) ThirtyBeesStripe\Stripe\Error\ApiConnection You cannot use `line_items.amount`, `line_items.currency`, `line_items.name`, `line_items.description`, or `line_items.images` in this API version. Please use `line_items.price` or `line_items.price_data`. Please see https://stripe.com/docs/payments/checkout/migrating-prices for more information. in file /home/customer/www/mysite.co.uk/public_html/modules/stripe/classes/GuzzleClient.php at line 237
  4. I seem to be experiencing errors in 2 places I have Thirty Bees 1.4.0 My Stripe API is 2022-11-15, though I've been having this issue with API 2022-08-01 I also have the Panda theme installed. I have 2 issues that I can see. I'm in test mode and on test transaction stripe processes the transaction, however on return to the stripe validation module at mysite.com/module/stripe/validation?type=cc returns the error: An error occurred: No charges associated with payment The second error is if I select 'Enable Stripe Checkout' in Stripe Checkout options. When I go to checkout, I get a server error 500 at page mysite.com/orders after ticking the terms and conditions box then clicking 'proceed to checkout'
  5. The issue doesn't appear to be from Stripe. If I select the 'Enable Stripe Checkout' option in settings, I get an error 404 page error when trying to check out. I've tried re-installing the stripe module - but still no go
  6. Hi Nickz - there are no server side errors logged. The error message is generated by TB and not the server.
  7. I'm wondering if there is a configuration error on the site. I also get the same problem using MyPOS. Slightly different - the website forwards to MyPOS gateway, the card is authenticated properly, but then the transaction fails on handover back to the site. Any ideas how to bug track this?
  8. I've just installed the Stripe Module It's currently in test mode using test keys. The payment appears to process in Stripe, but on return to the validation page I get this error An error occurred: No charges associated with payment Payment is taken, but my TB doesn't process the order. There's nothing in Java Console. Any ideas? Cheers ... Fizz
  9. Thanks Slick. I found it. I took your hint looking through the Panda settings. There was a parameter set to 4 and not the usual 0 (default size). Not sure why it was set as 4 stock install - but found it nonetheless. Thank you for the pointer.
  10. Thanks Slick - I'll look into it.
  11. Thanks Slick - I'm not much of a coder. The install is standard other than the addition of the PANDA theme. How can I fix this?
  12. Thank you for your help and support. You cannot delete posts on this forum placed in the wrong place. I've checked my theme settings. My logo doesn't show.
  13. The header logo doesn't show in desktop mode. I can see it in mobile mode. PANDA theme https://retractatrike.uk/ Can anyone advise me please? ... Fizz
  14. The header logo doesnt show in desktop mode. I can see it in mobile mode. https://retractatrike.uk/ Can anyone advise me please? ... Fizz
  15. I have just done the core update to 1.4 and it appears to have fixed things for me. Many thanks for the help
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