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Everything posted by SLiCK_303

  1. @lesley said in eMail Error Message when Updating Order Status to "Delivered": Also check the status in the back office for which template is sent, then look in the /themes/transformer/emails/en directory to make sure the template is on your server. Also look in /emails/en folder to make sure the template is on your server, if you dont have them in your transformer theme at all. Also in BO->Orders->Statuses, do you have Send email to customer checked, and Email template is set for something, matching your emails/en folder.
  2. np, glad it worked for you. :)
  3. I didnt give enough of the code. The key was changing the do/while loop to a foreach loop. Thanks for the help tho...
  4. Backup your database. Goto BO then Preferences->Themes and delete the community-theme-default theme. Then FTP the community-theme-default theme to your site. Then in the BO goto Preferences->Themes again, and hit Add new theme on the top right. Goto the bottom and hit Create a new theme. In Name of the theme, and, Name of the theme's directory , put community-theme-default, click yes for responsive. For Default right and left columns, put whatever you want. In Number of products per page, put 9, or whatever you like. Hit save. Then Select the theme. I think this will work....
  5. v2.1.1 solved the day of the week issue. nice!
  6. @mdekker said in Cron Manager: Not sure what you mean with the admin folder? Are you trying to make it request a URL? My admin folder,... I have it password protected via plesk. I can run them by hand via the url, like... http://thirtybees.paganliving.net/admin****/searchcron.php?full=1&token=7tiC6YhZ&id_shop=1 but via the cron job its not working. On my site that I dont have the admin folder password protected it works fine. But if I password protect the admin folder via plesk, the cron jobs dont run.
  7. I think it's not working on my 1.0.3 ssl site, because my admin directory has a password on it. edit: Yup, thats it. Thats a bummer!
  8. I'm think it might be because the working site is non ssl and the one it's not working on has ssl? not sure....
  9. Seems to be working on my 1.0.4rc1 test site, but not on my 1.0.3 site, for some reason....I'll keep playin with it...
  10. When I pick a Day of the week for it to run... If I pick say Monday, it saves as Thursday. If I pick Tuesday, it saves as Friday. And ect...
  11. Good job with Cron tasks manager v2.1.0, seems to be working now! Thanks!
  12. I thought.. $result2 = mysqlifetchassoc($sql2); $count2 = mysqlinumrows($sql2); would be.. $result2 = Db::getInstance(PSUSESQLSLAVE_)->getRow($sql2); count2 = Db::getInstance()->numRows(); but I'm confused on how to change sql2 to a newer style. tb1.0.2 type style....
  13. So I have an old module, that is using oldscool sql calls. How would I replace... mysqliquery mysqlifetchassoc mysqlinumrows like... ``` $GLOBALS['___mysqlist'] = mysqliconnect(DBSERVER, DBUSER_, DBPASSWD_); $sql2 = mysqliquery($GLOBALS['___mysqlist'], ' SELECT * FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'product_shop WHERE id_product = '.(int)$idc['idproduct'].' AND id_shop = '.(int)$this->context->shop->id.' '); $result2 = mysqlifetchassoc($sql2); $count2 = mysqlinum_rows($sql2); ```
  14. I updated my version of this module. I changed the version to 6.0.0, so it doesnt try to update it all the time, plus I know TB will never go up to that version number. I also modified the sql calls to the newer way of doing it. https://github.com/SLiCK-303/dashactivity/releases
  15. I'm just not getting it... I hope I do soon....:grimacing:
  16. Nice job, works for me as well...
  17. Welp, I made my 1st and 2nd attempts at using github, folking modules and modifying them and then pushing them back then doing a pull request. Guess I'll find out if I did it right or not.....
  18. sounds cool
  19. I'm not sure why statsbestmanufacturers was left out in the first place. So maybe im not on the right track at all....i dunno. Seems to work on my site though.
  20. right. I dont either.
  21. ok. I think I got it right for the statsmodule, not sure if I did for this one or not. You guys will have to look at both of them and see I guess.
  22. all of it! hehe.... I'm still trying. This time on the statsmodule.
  23. I'm not getting it. grrrrr
  24. I don't have permisions to push to TBs github. I'll have to wait for the GitHub community repository, and try using that.
  25. I'll look into it. I d/l and installed GitKraken, now I just have to figure out how to use it. ;)
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