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Everything posted by SLiCK_303

  1. if you wanna make things more complicated, you need to take /modules/gmgetfreeshipping/index.php and copy that into each of the folders you made. so /themes/transformer/modules/gmgetfreeshipping should have one, views should have one, templates should have one, hook should have one.....(every folder in /themes/Transformer/modules/gmgetfreeshipping/views/templates/hook/ should have an index.php file in it).
  2. right...and put gmgetfreeshipping.tpl into it
  3. hehehe. i thought i did
  4. you def dont want the whole /modules/gmgetfreeshipping into your /themes/transformers/modules folder
  5. no theres not, you need to make that folder path, and copy that single file into it
  6. but keep going...it needs to be in /themes/Transformer/modules/gmgetfreeshipping/views/templates/hook/
  7. it needs to be in that whole path though, not in the themes root
  8. I don't know how many ways I can say this. Copy /modules/gmgetfreeshipping/views/templates/hook/gmgetfreeshipping.tpl. you need to copy that file into the same path, but in your theme. So, if you are using the default theme, there should be a /themes/Transformer/modules/gmgetfreeshipping/views/templates/hook/gmgetfreeshipping.tpl file
  9. not /modules/gmgetfreeshipping...just that one file
  10. copy it there...
  11. no there is already a /modules/gmgetfreeshipping/views/templates/hook/gmgetfreeshipping.tpl. you need to copy that file into the same path, but in your theme. So, if you are using the default theme, there should be a /themes/community-theme-default/modules/gmgetfreeshipping/views/templates/hook/gmgetfreeshipping.tpl file
  12. Are you using my getfreeshipping port, or the authors original, gmgetfreeshipping? Nevermind, I can tell by the logo you are using the original. :) You need to copy the /modules/gmgetfreeshipping/views/templates/hook/gmgetfreeshipping.tpl, to the same path but in you modules folder. Then open gmgetfreeshipping.tpl, and add a after the last .
  13. you da man, that worked, thank you! Here's my override, view.tpl file if anyone cares.... 01510153050686view.tpl
  14. I figured it out. I had to edit a core file.. /themes/default/template/controllers/customers/helpers/view/view.tpl. Is there a way to make this an override, instead of editing a core file?
  15. Now, if I could only figure out how to do the same at the bottom of the customers view. At the bottom of viewing a customer is a frame with all their addresses, I wanna find out how to add it there as well. Any ideas?
  16. I'm not a coder, so I don't know if the way I did it was the correct way, but sure.... Copy the file, /controllers/admin/AdminAddressesController.php, to /override/controllers/admin/ How edit that file, replace lines 75-98 with the following code.. ``` $countries = Country::getCountries($this->context->language->id); foreach ($countries as $country) { $this->countriesarray[$country['idcountry']] = $country['name']; } $states = State::getStates($this->context->language->id); foreach ($states as $state) { $this->states_array[$state['id_state']] = $state['name']; } $this->fields_list = [ 'id_address' => ['title' => $this->l('ID'), 'align' => 'center', 'class' => 'fixed-width-xs'], 'firstname' => ['title' => $this->l('First Name'), 'filter_key' => 'a!firstname'], 'lastname' => ['title' => $this->l('Last Name'), 'filter_key' => 'a!lastname'], 'address1' => ['title' => $this->l('Address')], 'city' => ['title' => $this->l('City')], 'state' => ['title' => $this->l('State'), 'filter_key' => 'st!name'], 'postcode' => ['title' => $this->l('Zip/Postal Code'), 'align' => 'right'], 'country' => ['title' => $this->l('Country'), 'type' => 'select', 'list' => $this->countries_array, 'filter_key' => 'cl!id_country'], ]; parent::__construct(); $this->_select = 'cl.`name` as country, st.`name` as state'; $this->_join = ' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country_lang` cl ON (cl.`id_country` = a.`id_country` AND cl.`id_lang` = '.(int) $this->context->language->id.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'state` st ON (st.`id_state` = a.`id_state`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer` c ON a.id_customer = c.id_customer '; $this->_where = 'AND a.id_customer != 0 '.Shop::addSqlRestriction(Shop::SHARE_CUSTOMER, 'c'); $this->_use_found_rows = false; ``` Here is my override file in it's entirety... 01510089968403AdminAddressesController.php The way it is, I could setup the state as a dropdown list like country is, but I like it better typing something in.
  17. I got the override working....... Thanx for the module tho! You da man
  18. Thanx for that, it works like a champ! :thumbsup: I would rather do it with an override however, that way I can change the order of things as well...
  19. I tried this, and it didnt work, it broke the country... ``` $this->select = 'cl.name as country'; $this->join = ' LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'country_lang cl ON (cl.id_country = a.id_country AND cl.id_lang = '.(int) $this->context->language->id.') LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'customer c ON a.idcustomer = c.idcustomer '; $this->where = 'AND a.idcustomer != 0 '.Shop::addSqlRestriction(Shop::SHARECUSTOMER, 'c'); $this->usefoundrows = false; $this->_select = 'st.`name` as state'; $this->_join = ' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'state` st ON (st.`id_state` = a.`id_state`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer` c ON a.id_customer = c.id_customer '; $this->_where = 'AND a.id_customer != 0 '.Shop::addSqlRestriction(Shop::SHARE_CUSTOMER, 'c'); $this->_use_found_rows = false; ```
  20. I think I need to do something like this, like they did for the country, except for a state, to pullout the states name via it's id... $this->_select = 'cl.`name` as country'; $this->_join = ' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country_lang` cl ON (cl.`id_country` = a.`id_country` AND cl.`id_lang` = '.(int) $this->context->language->id.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer` c ON a.id_customer = c.id_customer '; $this->_where = 'AND a.id_customer != 0 '.Shop::addSqlRestriction(Shop::SHARE_CUSTOMER, 'c'); $this->_use_found_rows = false; any thoughts?
  21. I see that's the only file I need to modify, however I need to change the states id into it's name...... Any thoughts on how I do that?
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