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Everything posted by SLiCK_303

  1. I can't for the life of me get a copyright message to show in my footer. Any thoughts?
  2. I guess I figured it out.....
  3. where do i enter my redirect_uri?
  4. SLiCK_303

    Paypal login

    Does anyone have Paypal login working on their site? I keep getting the following when I click on it.
  5. sound like it should to me. look at https://front.thirtybees.com/ and compare yours
  6. I'm clueless then, hopefully someone else can help.
  7. is your idsponsor in psreferralprogram an int(10) ?
  8. I never noticed it, I think you would have to talk to the modules developer on that one.
  9. @Daresh and anyone else: how do I get rid of that “to be determined”? It’s just supposed to be free shipping. You mean like when you empty your cart, and the cart shows that message for a second?
  10. i think he wants the free shipping comment and the amazon pay button, on two different lines
  11. np..good luck. maybe someone smarter than me can help ya. ;)
  12. since you are using a css to make it go right, things might work differently, I dunno
  13. it should be... ``` {* * Get Free Shipping PrestaShop module. * * @package gmgetfreeshipping * @author Dariusz Tryba (contact@greenmousestudio.com) * @copyright Copyright (c) Green Mouse Studio (http://www.greenmousestudio.com) * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) *} {if $remaining_to_spend > 0} {l s='Spend another' mod='gmgetfreeshipping'} {convertPrice price=$remaining_to_spend} {l s='to get free shipping for your order!' mod='gmgetfreeshipping'} {/if} ```
  14. if you wanna make things more complicated, you need to take /modules/gmgetfreeshipping/index.php and copy that into each of the folders you made. so /themes/transformer/modules/gmgetfreeshipping should have one, views should have one, templates should have one, hook should have one.....(every folder in /themes/Transformer/modules/gmgetfreeshipping/views/templates/hook/ should have an index.php file in it).
  15. right...and put gmgetfreeshipping.tpl into it
  16. you def dont want the whole /modules/gmgetfreeshipping into your /themes/transformers/modules folder
  17. no theres not, you need to make that folder path, and copy that single file into it
  18. but keep going...it needs to be in /themes/Transformer/modules/gmgetfreeshipping/views/templates/hook/
  19. it needs to be in that whole path though, not in the themes root
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