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Posts posted by musicmaster

  1. What is going on with the forum? In a week I have gone from nearly 20 unread post to just 3. And that is not because I read so many.

    Someone is playing with the settings without explaining what he is doing. And I don't find it an improvement.

  2. If you look at the file classes/discount.php in Prestashop you will see that in its header it displays the comment " * @deprecated". It has been replaced by classes/specificPrice.php. As TB has thrown out some old stuff it has been discarded.

    So you will need either to contact the author of the module or experiment yourself with using the specificPrice or specificPriceRule class instead of the Discount class.

  3. Prestools is a suite of user-friendly and very powerful tools to mass edit your products, orders and categories. It is a kind of Swiss Army knife that runs outside your backoffice. You can download it here and find a manual here.

    Prestools was started in 2012 by putting together a small selection of tools for Prestashop. It has since grown steadily to become a comprehensive set of tools for maintaining Prestashop and Thirty Bees. It is one of the most popular downloads on the Prestashop forum.

    The main parts are:

    • product-edit: great options for mass editing more than 50 product fields. Add categories, change prices, update descriptions - for hundreds of products at once. 
    • product csv: a very flexible tool to generate csv files.
    • product-sort: an easy way to sort products inside a category. From position 500 to 1 in a blink. With the visual sort option you can see immediately how things will look.
    • prodcombi: edit and oversee properties of combinations of a number of products at once.
    • order-edit: adding and deleting products and changing prices without problems.
    • order-search: make a selection on carrier, payment type, status, etc. or just search. With csv export option.
    • category-edit: useful for editing metadata and descriptions for SEO
    • combi-edit: assign pictures to your combinations quickly
    • combi-copy and combi-delete: copy, modify and delete attribute combinations using one product as a template
    • attribute-list and feature-list: see how many products use each feature and attribute and get a product list.
    • regenerate images for selections of products
    • cleanup images: save on disk space by cleaning up images of deleted products
    • shop rescue: turn off overrides and non-Prestashop modules when due to some bug you can no longer login in the backoffce.
    • override-list and module-list: get lists of modules and of overrides and the modules might own them.
    • eu-tax: get a quick overview how much you sold in each of the EU countries and how much VAT you withheld in the process
    • integrity checks:  find and fix database and file corruption.
    • lots of statistics

    Installation: Unzip the downloaded file and copy the resulting files to a subdirectory below your admin directory (do not install as a PS module!).You can access the program in the browser like "www.myshop.com/myadmin/mydir/login1.php". You will be welcomed by a login screen: the default username is "demo@demo.com" and the default password is "opensecret". Please adapt your security settings in the "settings1.php" file. There is a mini-module included for integration into the Thirty Bees backoffice.

    There is a demo-installation available. Username and password are the default. Below you find a view of the product-edit page where the description field has been made editable: /assets/uploads/files/34/1507463122156preview.jpg

    Prestools is compatible with Prestashop 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 and 8.0 and Thirty Bees. If you find a problem please let me know.

    There are a few parts in product-edit that you need to buy at the Prestools website. However, over 95% of the script is free.

    Among the files you will find a file prestoolssuite-module.zip. You can install this file as a module. It is a mini-module as the only thing it does is adding a link to your Prestools installation in the Catalog menu in the backoffice.

    If you find a problem, please update Prestools to its latest version before you report it here. When reporting, please mention your Thirty Bees version.

    Follow the installation instructions! This is not a module!

    • Like 6
  4. @mdekker said in Looking for an alternative Paypal module:

    If you could give us some more feedback about the thirty bees PayPal module that would be great! Everywhere I looked the module was running fine, but it was running under ideal circumstances and all the systems were optimized by myself, so there's a chance we might have missed a few edge cases.

    • It would have saved me a lot of time when there had been some explanation/help function about what payment standard/payment plus/express payment mean. I have seen it explained in Paypal terms. But it is very hard to derive from that how it will affect the layout and functioning of your shop.

    • it looks like the problem that I mentioned and from which I showed a picture has something to do with uninstalled modules being not really absent - but somehow still interfering. But there might also be some problem with the PS Paypal module. Anyway, that is a bridge too far for me to explore.

    BTW: is it possible to number the posts in this forum. I wanted to refer to my picture in post number 3 and then I found that the posts are not numbered.

  5. Hi,

    I tried it on TB 1.03 and everything worked ok. What version of TB are you using?

    Also: what operating system has your server? I just filed an error report because the TB module install under Windows doesn't work correctly - although that has different symptoms and isn't fatal.

    @Occam: this is a problem with the minimodule that adds an entry to the 30bees backoffice. It is not a problem of the main program.

    Regards, M

  6. I tried. And my experience was not good.

    As both modules are called Paypal I unstalled the TB one. I didn't delete it but instead renamed it (that is: the subdirectory under Modules). I often do this when I make changes to a module and I want to keep the old version close so that I can easily put it back. Under Prestashop I have never seen a problem with that.

    Thirty Bees may be a different. The first sign was that the module stayed listed.

    Anyway, I could install the PS version and setting it up in the backoffice gave no problems. However, when I went to the front end and tried to make a payment I got this when I clicked the Paypal bar. Note the double bread crumb and the error message.

    Does anyone have an explanation what is going wrong here?


  7. The error code is: [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :C:\xampp\htdocs_prestools\modules\mdstripe\mdstripe.php: Undefined class constant 'CACHEFILETRUSTEDMODULESLIST'

    This constant is defined in Modules.php and you use it for code to put the module on the trusted file list. It is indeed not defined in TB. It is in two files of the module.

  8. @lesley said in Tutorial: How to migrate from ps 1.6 to thirty bees:

    I saw your post previously and thought it was solved. Sorry about that. Tomorrow when I am in the office I am going to try a migration using XAMPP, to thirty bees and see if I encounter any issues. If so I push some changes to the repo to fix them.

    Its really disheartening to hear some I know is a developer having these issues and at the same time not able to debug them. That is what open source is about, helping the community as a whole with bug fixes and making stable software. We are a small team that is trying to bring a software to a stable version. Not a multi-million dollar company that is ignoring your wishes. We want this to be stable. We have a lot of sweat, blood, tears, and our own money invested in it.

    We will get your migration working, I am going to look into it personally and make sure it works. But please, don't group us with other software companies that do not have the merchant's best interest at heart. I think that is unfair and I am sure you do as well.

    Hi Lesley, Thank you for your reply and willingness to look at my issues.

    I had hoped to be able to contribute to TB too, but until now I haven't been able to get a production site running on it. I am very disappointed about that.

    I am not going to look for this bug myself for several reasons. This is a part of the code that I am not familiar with and it would take me a lot of time to find my way into it. The absence of an error message makes it extra hard to know where to start. There must be people who know much more about this part of the code and who have ideas about where to look and for what. I would have been ready to do experiments or otherwise cooperate but I received zero feedback. I was very astonished about this passive reaction: for the software that I maintain bugs are fixed almost immediately and it would be unthinkable for me to leave such a showstopper as I encountered unsolved. My reasoning is that for every complaint there are ten people who just silently discard your software. And every bug that you see may be a symptom of deeper problems.

    I like to specialize. There are a few segments of the Prestashop software that I know very well, such as the database structure and the indexation routine. Those - and a few others - are areas where I would like to contribute.

  9. I am waiting for an upgrade of both the migration module and the main package before I make another try. I never heard any serious explanation after I reported my previous disastrous attempt to migrate.

    I am getting increasingly pessimistic about the future of TB. The focus is too much on implementing new ideas and celebrating every little new success. Any bad news is ignored. This reminds me of what is going wrong at Prestashop. To get traction there should be much more focus on solving any little problem that is reported.

  10. I made a comparison of the database structure of Prestashop and Thirty Bees. For those interested here a summary of the conclusions:

    • A lot of field size differences. Most interesting is password going from 32 to 60 positions. For the rest mainly id sizes increasing from 10 to 11. Both changes happened also in Prestashop with the change to 1.7.

    • CHARSET changed from utf8 to utf8mb4. This is accompanied by a lot of COLLATE clauses in the database. With COLLATE you can declare that with search or sorting a different charset should be used. Different character sets have different ways to deal with accented characters.

    • quite a few tables were dropped: psadvice, psadvicelang, psbadge, psbadgelang, pscondition, psconditionadvice, psconditionbadge, pscronjobs, pstabadvice All the tables that are dropped in PS 1.7 (pscompare, pscompareproduct, pstheme, psthememeta, psthemespecific, psscene, psscenecategory, psscenelang, pssceneproducts, psscene_shop) are still present in TB.

    • one table got an extra field: displayfromsub in the ps_category table

    • a few tables got extra keys: psconfiguration (name), psconnectionssource (httpreferer and requesturi), pspage_type (name)

    • four new tables: pscurrencymodule, psmodulecarrier, pspagecache and psredisservers. pscurrencymodule is a bit puzzling as there already exists a psmodulecurrency table. psmodulecarrier has three fields: idmodule, idshop and idreference. Missing is an idcarrier: maybe this is id_reference. This table - with the same fields - can also be found in PS 1.7.

      • Prestashop 1.7 has a few new fields in the product tables: isbn, show_condition and state. They are not present in Thirty Bees.
  11. A little more research: if I copy the full community theme from a fresh TB install it does show up in the backoffice. However, it still shows with a missing image. And my front page remains as empty as it was before - even after a cache cleaning.

    It is a pity that I cannot place images or file attachments here. You need that for bug reports.

  12. @Traumflug I am working on a Windows 10 computer. I haven't tried it yet but I would expect that the problem can be reproduced with - a Windows 10 computer with Xampp (=mariadb) - a fresh PS webshop in a subdirectory of the localhost root. - choosing for the new theme when the option is given during the upgrade

    I did a little more research on why the new community theme didn't show in my backoffice. My converted shop has both themes as subdirectories below the themes directory. So I checked the community theme and compared it with a fresh TB installation. I noticed that two directories (cache and pdf) were missing. However, adding those directories (by copying them from the fresh TB installation) did not fix the problem. I also checked the database, but I couldn't find any problem in the psshop* and pstheme* tables. Except for the fact of course, that in the database the shop is assigned to the community theme but that in the backoffice the community theme doesn't exist and the shop is assigned to the default theme.

  13. "thetexts.php isn’t a file coming with either PS or 30bz" As I said: this index.php file in the root does not belong to PS or TB. The shop is in a subdirectory. So the problem is that TB is somehow including this file.

    "Solution is to either return file Shop.php to its original state" As I said the only file that is changed outside the template is Cart.php. So Shop.php was not changed

  14. The root .htaccess is not changed. Nor any other file. The way that see that it opens the root index file is the error message: Warning: require_once(../thetexts.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xs4ampp\htdocs\index.php on line 6

    I have one error in the TB log file that is repeated twice: ERROR 2017/03/19 - 12:38:08: Shop not found at line 404 in file classes/shop/Shop.php ERROR 2017/03/19 - 12:44:06: Shop not found at line 404 in file classes/shop/Shop.php

    This is NOT a multishop shop.

  15. I tried to update my Prestools webshop to TB. Luckily i worked on a localhost copy. The update itself went without problems. I chose to use the new TB theme.

    But when i was finished and I looked in the backoffice at the themes, there was only one theme - the Prestashop default theme - and that was set as my default theme. At the front side things were even worse. The home page displays only my logo and a black bar. When I switched MOV-DEV on I don't see any errors. And when I look at the source code it is very short, but it correctly ends with a html end tag.

    The page of a subcategory was just as problematic. I got an error message indicating that it was trying to open index.php in the root. (I have different software in the root and the error message I got war clearly generated by that software) But as this shop is located in a subdirectory it shouldn't try to do anything in the root. ![alt text](0_1494074195413_TB.jpg image url)

  16. A lot of improvement can already been achieved by having a good look at how indexation works in Prestashop.

    If you look in classes\search.php you see that for supplierreference the field of the psproduct table is used instead of the fields of the psproductsupplier table. Also - when a product is in more than one category only the name of the default category is used.

  17. As a small contribution to the development of TB I have made an overview of the type of products that are not or not well supported by Prestashop. I hope that a bit of discussion and the input of different people with experiences of different webshop software can contribute to build an overview of the options.

    The most important problem is probably the “million –combination problem”. When you have a product with many attributes (computers and cars are good examples) the number of possible combinations can easily explode into the millions. As a consequence the product will get stuck in both the back and the front office. A related problem is that stock keeping doesn’t work: if you sell a car with or without radio it is still only one car.

    If you analyze those cases you see a few scenario’s that don’t fit in the Prestashop cookie cutter solution: - Some attributes are in fact separate products. They might be considered as accessories but you want to sell them on the same page. The car radio is a good example. This kind of attributes comes in two varieties: some are also sold as standalone products while others are only sold as a part. - Other attributes concern things that never get out of stock. If you sell furniture you may offer it in different colors. But as you paint them yourself and you have an ample supply of paint this will never be a restricting factor. In this category fall also work-related attributes like when you sell a product in a rude and a polished version – the latter involving some processing by you.

    Then there are the products that don’t fit. One category are the “fractions”: products sold by meter or gram or other linear unit. Say you sell cheese for 10 euro a kilo. You have a piece of 485 gram and you would like to receive 4.85 euro for it. The only way to achieve that would be to set the price per gram. But that would mean that you list it as 0.01 euro per gram. That will result in rounding errors and it goes also against industry practices that dictate listing prices per 100, 500 or 1000 gram. Also it doesn’t give the customer a quick impression of whether the product is cheap or expensive.

    Another category are the “standalones”. These are a kind of customizations where you want to set the price. It might involve work. If you sell floor coverings you typically bill carpets and work to install it. But you don’t want to make a new “work” product for every new customer. I sell fancy boxes that can be filled with candy. I would love to give the customers the freedom to choose which candy they want in it but that is impossible under Prestashop. Candy sells by weight and different types of candy have different weights per liter. It would be easy to write some custom software that calculates the correct weight and price but I can’t store it at the moment.

    So what are the possible solutions? In the case of the attribute combinations my favorite would be to allow more than one product on a page. They should be in the same html form so that you can order them with the same Buy button. This means that you will need to mention somewhere the number of different products on your page and give them numbers to discern them. You need also to indicate which is the main product and which are the options.

    For attributes that don’t affect stock there are two possibilities. You might create a new kind of attribute for that. You could also create a kind of pseudo accessories for them. You might for example have a “product” colors that cannot be sold alone for this purpose. It is a rather convoluted solution but it may be easier to implement than a new kind of attribute. In the case of the fractions the cleanest solution is probably to indicate somewhere that your price is per 100 units (or whatever number you want).

    In the case of the standalones the basic point is that there is no standard price and that the shop owner must somehow provide a price.

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