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Derbai last won the day on February 25

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  1. Still have some image served in jpg format...
  2. No, I did not. Thanks 🙂
  3. Hello, I am on TB 1.6. I have enabled the WebP option. I found that some images are returned on WebP format but not all. How can I fix it? Thanks
  4. Hello, I have same settings. So you confirm that the html code is not compressed. Thanks
  5. I don't see any differences on the code with the module tbminifier active or disactive. There is something else to be done to minify the html code?
  6. Thanks everybody. I am on TB 1.5.1. So TB 1.6 have the Full Page cache fixed?
  7. Hi, I migrate to Panda theme and I found that this use a large amount of cache: more than 110Gb on /cache folder. This crashed my server several time and fulled RAM memory. I contacted them and suggest to use Server side cache OR Full page cache, No together. For them is this setting causing the issue. I found this strange as I have used this setting for years with the Default theme with no issue. Do you agree with this settings or Server side and Full page cache should work together? If they should work together where can be the issue with the Panda theme? Thanks, Daniele
  8. Hello, for TB 1.5 I need to download still modules compatible with PS 1.6 or it is compatible also with higher version of PS modules? Thanks, Daniele
  9. Hello, I would like to update to PHP 8. Now I have installed the 7.4 version. I need to make something before update to php 8? Thanks
  10. Hello, I have severals website on the same dedicated server. Others with TB 1.2 don't have any problems. Only this one updated to TB 1.5 and the problems start exactly after update.
  11. Hello, I update to TB 1.5 but after this all pages are marked as Blocked by robots.txt on Google Search Console and obviusly traffic from Google search decreased a lot. The file is correct: almost the same as before. I think there is something else blocking indexion but I am not able to understand what is it. I checked Geolocation: it was disabled but also enabling it with MaxMind nothing change. Someone can help with this? My website is https://www.artigianodelcuo.io . Thanks
  12. I found that payment made with Thirty Bees Stripe module don't have customer information on it. Is it a know issue to be fixed?
  13. I tried to log-in but there are no entries anyway. This is what I see on APCu manager: General Cache Information APCu Version 5.1.11 PHP Version 7.1.15 APCu Host xxxx Server Software Apache Shared Memory 1 Segment(s) with 32.0 MBytes (mmap memory) Start Time 2018/03/13 23:15:21 Uptime 18 hours and 11 minutes Cache Information Cached Variables 0 ( 0.0 Bytes) Hits 0 Misses 0 Request Rate (hits, misses) 0.00 cache requests/second Hit Rate 0.00 cache requests/second Miss Rate 0.00 cache requests/second Insert Rate 0.00 cache requests/second Cache full count 0 Runtime Settings apc.coredumpunmap 0 apc.enablecli 0 apc.enabled 1 apc.entrieshint 4096 apc.gcttl 3600 apc.mmapfilemask apc.preloadpath apc.serializer php apc.shmsegments 1 apc.shmsize 32M apc.slamdefense 1 apc.smart 0 apc.ttl 0 apc.userequesttime 1 apc.writable /tmp My server is a CENTOS 6.9 with PHP 7.1 PHP-FPM Enabled MemCache enabled. I don't know which other information you should know about it. Thanks.
  14. Dear All, I have enabled APC cache and installed APCu cache manager module but the memory usage is still 100% free. It seams that APC not cache any data. I use APCu Version 5.1.11 ana PHP 7.1.15 On performance tab cache and full page cache are enabled. Any suggestion on why it is not working? Thanks, Daniele
  15. On Order page I found the AdminOrder section empty. I checked the code and see // TODO: implement refunds So right now is not possible to refund an order directly on the AdminOrder page? For when you suppose it will be done? If it is not done I can develope it and prodive to you? Thanks, Daniele
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