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Everything posted by smarterweb

  1. The developer of the module has kindly helped me out with a similar fix. He also mentioned that PS 8.x is up to today still including swiftmailer. If anyone else is using awocoupon and is facing the same issue, here's the solution: From the (old) TB 1.4 zip, copy the folder /vendor/swiftmailer/swiftmailer to /modules/awocoupon/asset/swiftmailer So this file should exists: /modules/awocoupon/asset/swiftmailer/lib/swift_required.php Then in the file /modules/awocoupon/helper/mail.php on line 12 is this: <?php public static function sendMail($from, $from_name, $to, $subject, $body, $mode = 0, $bcc = null, $attachments = null, $is_embed = false, $string_attachments = null, $cc = null ) { ?> Right after that add this: <?php include_once _PS_MODULE_DIR_.'awocoupon/asset/swiftmailer/lib/swift_required.php'; return self::sendMail3($from, $from_name, $to, $subject, $body, $mode, $bcc, $attachments, $is_embed, $string_attachments); ?> hope others find this useful.
  2. In all fairness you have removed swiftmailer to some extent as it's long been depreciated. we have a coupon module that was relying on it (and maybe other modules as well), which now no longer works since updating to TB 1.5 I am aware that there is still a module for that protocol and of course I have tried using this but the module still throws a 500: Class 'Swift_Message' not found in file modules/awocoupon/helper/mail.php at line 69 Source file: modules/awocoupon/helper/mail.php I'm not quite sure how to move forward here. Any ideas?
  3. finally managed to connect, had to completely wipe my browser cache, then click the 'update' button in the modules page and then I was able to install the premium modules. I still hope this process can be streamlined and made easier for everyone. Hope you get heaps of new subscribers and keep the project alive.
  4. Updating to TB 1.5 was a bit of a mission - got there at the end and the issues where related to some custom overrides of the Hook.php class. Ok, so then I thought I'll sign up again to become a member but there's a few bugs to iron out. I can't connect with TB website, just comes up with Whoops! We seem to have hit a snag. Please try again later... tried multiple times. Then I thought, I'll download some of the new premium modules from the store. But in there, it tells me I don't have any order? I just paid and confirmed my membership but don't' see this anywhere in the marketplace. So despite being on a paid membership I just can't download the new modules. Hope you get this sorted soon. My 5cents feedback: The whole process feels very cumbersome and disconnected. Would be great to see everything in just one place instead of the forum and marketplace needing 2 different logins and memberships not visible in the marketplace. If you supporters to help you, make this as easy as possible for everyone. Cheers and thanks again for the hard work that went into the latest upddate
  5. yeah, as I said you are not being helpful here, so why even bother wasting your valuable time answering (not) :) my question. Anyone else maybe?
  6. sorry @nickz but you are not being helpul here. I spend thousands of $ over the last years for custom module + theme development. But when I buy a new module that's made ONLY for PS 1.7+ and one that's being updated every couple of weeks with new functionality, having to pay an external developer to make it work for TB, adds a lot of overheads. Is that what you suggest here, answering my initial question?
  7. because it's just not feasible - let's be real here. Why did we choose TB and not some paid platform in the first place? Because like so many others, we simply can't afford it. Having to reprogram e very new module and theme we buy would just cost too much. Simple as that.
  8. We've been using TB very happily for years now - and it basically runs our 'show'. Thirty Bees rocks! However I did notice that many developers dropped support for PS 1.6 modules altogether and many new and interesting modules are now only compatible with PS 1.7+. We're at a crossroad where we have re-consider following the TB path as we want to keep up with newly developed modules and themes which will not be compatible with TB as it's based on PS 1.6. I have just installed a vanilla test of PS 8.1 and am quite impressed how far it's come since last time I looked at PS. Looks like they smashed quite a few bugs too and introduced long missing features which of course have long been covered by the awesome TB team. What's other's opinion here and what does the TB team have to say? How can we make sure new modules made for PS 8 could also work in TB?
  9. yes, of course on test environment, and did exactly as you suggested. replacing the smarty lib did not change a thing. bit baffled atm as can't figure out what is causing this with the 1.4 update
  10. yes, breaks the store completely. I tried with just the lib folder but that does not solve the issues. I'm really struggling here and would like to know which changes in TB core now cause these issues. We have for example a tpl file with {$HOOK_SHOPPING_CART|escape:'html':'UTF-8':false:true} With TB 1.3 this renders perfectly fine, and in 1.4 it spits out the html code instead of the render. Any help would be appreciated.
  11. we have this issue in quite a few places now. HTML within tpl files of hooks no longer get's rendered. Is there a way to revert back to old smarty lib without braking too much?
  12. never mind.... comparing wrong folder. all ok. sorry
      • 1
      • Haha
  13. Hi all, we use a one page checkout module and after updating to 1.4 it seems some hooks now don't render html. I can see the html code instead in HOOK_SHOPPING_CART. Any idea how this is related to TB1.4? When I switch back to 1.3 everything displays correctly. Any help pointing me in the right direction would help. Thank you
  14. we switched to 1.3 a few weeks ago and everything runs smooth so far. all modules still work just fine.
  15. So I found a bug, created an issue in git and it gets zero attention for the last 4 days. Last time I was told to report bugs there rather than here in the forum. I'm confused and want to help make TB bug free (not that there is such a thing...) but hey. So with upcoming V 1.3 where do we see progress and development if not in git? I see little activity there.
  16. we have been using TB for a number of years now and I never looked back at PS. Most old PS bugs are ironed out by now and it's a solid and stable solution to run your eCommerce shop. Also we've used lots of modules and only had very minor incompatibility issues that could usually be solved by the module developers within minutes. We have been down the track of Magento, Opencart, Zen Cart (jeeez...remember that), Wordpress with Woocart, Joomla with Virtuemart and J2store and Hikashop and from all the 'free' solutions we've never had anything better than TB. The TB team and still rather small community is active and very helpful. You can report bugs and they don't get ignored like with PS. So in my opinion TB has got to be hands down the best and most feature loaded system out there. But to be honest, if you zero web dev experience you will have to hire someone at some stage unless you run an out of the box system which practically doesn't exist in a real world scenario. Updating modules and themes is not the easiest compared to say Woocommerce and there aren't as many modules and themes available that officially work with TB. Said that most modules will work fine if they are 1.6 compatible. For themes, there aren't that many options I think. We have used the IQit Warehouse theme and recently switched to Sunnytoo Panda which works great with TB.
  17. yes, I do know this, but last time I was told to report bugs here and someone from the TB team would add it to github. So where is best to report bugs? Here or in github?
  18. We just painfully found out that if you check Configuration Information the list of changed files does not detect any changes made to to files in the folder js For example change js/date.js (just change anything in there) it should should show up in list of changed files, but it's not being detected at all. I think it's actually kind of crucial to detect these changes as well. Can someone confirm this and create an entry in GIT?
  19. Even thou we enabled SSL on all pages, you can still reach the URLs of the API webservice via non-ssl standard http. So if you had https://website.com/api/orders it can also be reached by http://website.com/api/orders Shouldn't this be disallowed and automatically be redirected to SSL?
  20. yes, just tested on vanilla PS 1.6 and works without issues. One module I can't even open, I get: ThirtyBeesException Unable to load template 'file:./_partials/header.tpl' in './layout.tpl' in file vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php at line 185
  21. Hi, we now have more and more modules that don't work in TB latest stable 1.1.0. Some module developers will not even support their extensions for TB and charge extra money just to make them compatible. If ThirtBee's code changes so much so that PS 1.6 modules are no longer compatible, that's a real worry. How do we best go about this? I s there something like a module converter so we can continue buying modules made for PS 1.6? Will someone from the TB team look into these issues or are we just left by ourselves and having to employ devs to fix the incompatible modules?
  22. then please tell me how to debug something like this: PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/website/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php(157) : eval()'d code on line 42 that's all I see in the log. not a hint as to what or where... maybe we can hire you @Traumflug to do some debugging on our site? How would we go about this?
  23. Yes, I see where you are coming from - however this is almost never a real life scenario. No one runs an out-of-the box install. We just want to disable php notices from being logged. That's all. Any idea how this can be achieved?
  24. Hi, in the past we where able to disable PHP notices in defines.inc but it seems this has changed now. I found ErrorHandler.php in classes and changed line 77 from @error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); to @error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT & ~E_WARNING); But this has no influence. All notices still get logged. How do I disable this in latest TB? Thanks
  25. We got contacted by a security firm about 2 potential vulnerabilities in the core of TB. To whom do I report this as I don't want to post details in a public forum?
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