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Everything posted by smarterweb

  1. If you try to reset the official paypal module in a vanilla install of TB (I tried 1.0.8 and bleeding edge), you get: [ThirtyBeesException] [] is not a valid configuration key at line 1032 in file classes/Configuration.php 1027. * @since 1.0.8 1028. */ 1029. protected static function validateKey($key) 1030. { 1031. if ( ! Validate::isConfigName($key)) { 1032. $e = new PrestaShopException(sprintf( 1033. Tools::displayError('[%s] is not a valid configuration key'), 1034. Tools::htmlentitiesUTF8($key) 1035. )); 1036. die($e->displayMessage()); 1037. } On top of that, the paypal module does not seem to work any longer with knowband's supercheckout module 5.0.5+. Checkout stalls at 80%
  2. ok, so I finally figured this out: The issue is when you untick the option "Allow a customer to download and view PDF versions of his/her invoices." in the order status, then the stats module does not consider the order as being paid and valid. In my opinion this is a little bug as there is a specific setting "Set the order as paid." - shouldn't this be the main factor of how the stats module displays best selling products and other order related modules like the dashboard?
  3. we migrated from PS and I also don't see the issue on a vanilla install, only on the migrated shop. will have to dig deeper here...
  4. This is an age old leftover from PS and I think TB can fix and improve this: Currently it's not possible to delete and existing logo for either supplier or manufacturer. Can this be added in one of the next releases please?
  5. If you check best selling products in the stats module, it only shows stats for one store, does not give me any stats for another store. possibly a bug? can anyone confirm this?
  6. yes, updating to bleeding edge resolves the issue. do you know the git commit for the fix?
  7. thanks lesley, the search is much better now and yes I can edit my posts again. let's ee what happens to the urls over time.
  8. when trying to edit I get: Sorry, there is a problem We could not locate the item you are trying to view. Error code: 2S136/C as for the old search, I think the most annoying issue is that by default the search uses "Any of my search term words" by default. So when you search for i.e "advanced stock" you get 569 results... Maybe change that default to be the the "All of my search term words"
  9. not happy with the new forum at all. search function was better before, broken URL's, and most importantly, I can't edit my own posts... see below I really hope you guys will be fixing these issues ASAP. Sorry, there is a problem We could not locate the item you are trying to view. Error code: 2S136/C
  10. We use the Knowband OPC (supercheckout) module and in 1.0.7 it works without problems. After updating TB to 1.0.8, we can no longer safe the settings of the module from the backoffice. Thanks to the gitupdater module, I can easily switch forth and back between the 2 versions (vanilla) and confirm it's got to do with the latest TB 1.0.8 version. Does anybody have an idea what has changed in 1.0.8 to cause this behaviour? Many thanks
  11. Installed the module and did some testing - what an innovative, great idea! Congrats! Here's some feedback: I noticed that the module also checks the theme folders (obsolete files) - maybe you could remove the check for custom themes altogether? Maybe add a "select all" box in the GUI for obsolete files? I do understand that it compares the filelist to a vanilla install of TB - but no-one would run their shop as a plain vanilla anyway, so maybe add some options to exclude certain directories? Just an idea....
  12. it redirects to module/paypal/expresscheckout and then error: Invalid request - see details but there are no details, even when I turn on error reporting and debugging... so it doesn't redirect to PayPal at all
  13. If you switch on Gift Wrapping in admin->preferences->orders, PayPal checkout no longer works. I tried this with version 5.3.3 and also latest 6.0.0-beta.4 This happens in TB 1.0.4 and also 1.0.6. Seems to be a know issue for years and never got fixed by PS either. Hope you guys can fix it for the new release of PayPal module 6
  14. ok, so I had the same trouble getting this to work. what I ended up doing and what was the solution for me: 1) create a sub domain in CPanel and now the important bit: 2) Change the document root of that subdomain to be the same as the main shop. for example if you had your main shop in publichtml/shop1 with URL shop.com/shop1 and wanted to create a new shop in shop2.shop.com you have to set up your subdomain's root folder to also be publichtml/shop1 (and not leave it like CPanel would have automatically created it i.e. public_html/shop2) hope this helps someone... otherwise just a reference to myself ;)
  15. we're using Centos 6 with cloudlinux
  16. @mdekker sorry to dig this up again, but we still have the issue of 777 folder permission with every single module install. I added your <?php if (!defined('TBUMASK')) { define('TBUMASK', 0022); } as a custom defines file, but it's not working on new module installs. However when I change the file controllers\admin\AdminModulesController.php line 1221, 1224, 1251 and 1254 from 0777 to 0755 I no longer have this problem can you please again as it's rather annoying having to chmod after each and every module install. Many thanks
  17. @lesley they sure are as I have to run chown and chmod after each new module install and I double checked on that too. not sure what else to do
  18. yes, I can see the file. also did a file comparison between a default 1.0.4 and a updated 1.0.3 version and there's only a few differences in these files: config/smartyadmin.config.inc.php config/smartyfront.config.inc.php config/defines.inc.php I then re-uploaded these files from 1.0.4 and still the problem persists. Will run a localhost test and see if it's maybe server related - will post the findings.
  19. Tried with stock install of 1.0.3 then followed manual upgrade instructions to 1.0.4, but now when trying to access order details, it can't find the file: admin123/themes/default/template/controllers/orders/helpers/view/view.tpl and therefore the order details screen shows no information (no error when debugging is on). can anyone else confirm this or have a solution?
  20. whoohooo! that's awesome, well done everyone working towards this! just performed the upgrade from 1.0.3 and read your update blog here: https://thirtybees.com/blog/version-1-0-4-has-been-released/ on top of the stats modules, you also want to delete the following modules: graphnvd3 gridhtml pagesnotfound sekeywords maybe you want include this in your latest blog as it was giving me fatals after upgrading. after some initial testing, it's not looking good :( tons of errors in multiple places: (of course I tested also with all non-THB core modules disabled, disabled all overrides) Then I ran the update on a fresh 1.0.3 install and having the exact same issues. SmartyInternalTemplateCompilerBase->triggertemplateerror Syntax error in template "/thbees/admin/themes/default/template/helpers/options/options.tpl" on line 192 "value="{if isset($field['noescape']) && $field['noescape']}{$field['value']|escape:'UTF-8'}{elseif $field['type'] == 'email'}{$field['value']|idnToUtf8|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{else}{$field['value']|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}"" unknown modifier "idnToUtf8" at line 192 in file vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smartyinternaltemplatecompilerbase.php ) can't access order details any longer I really hope there's going to be a quick fix for these issues...
  21. first of all: a BIG thank you to everyone working on TB in any form whilst I really appreciate the update and response, I also wonder what's been happening in the last 2 weeks since this was posted. I was really hoping for some more regular updates on what is going on behind the curtains and what is being worked on right now. Like so many others, I am eagerly waiting for a stable release of 1.0.4 Does anyone have any idea when this release will be available? (I know... I shouldn't even ask about release dates...but hey, I'm also trying to make a decision whether this is the right platform for new eCommerce projects since the last stable release was 8 months ago).
  22. great, thanks Lesley for the update! that's exactly the sort of update one wants to see I guess. Last time I read about 1.0.4 release was that the hold up had to do with the upcoming GDPR.
  23. This topic and it's replies worries us big time. Can we get a somewhat official statement from TB? We have been (like many others) spending lots of time setting up new shops in TB and from what I hear now, this project may not even go ahead much longer??? I totally get the point that there's a lack of funding (we are Patreon supporters by the way :) - but we also need to make decisions if this is the right platform to go ahead with and that there will be future updates and support. So please, an official statement would be great. In the meantime...., eagerly waiting for the release of 1.0.4
  24. ok, just did a fresh install and yes I can still confirm this bug. the discount in my case does not get applied. when I choose "highlight" in cart rule, I can even see the name of the discount BUT it does not get applied. price is the same no matter if I switch the cart rule on or off.
  25. I can confirm this bug (on TB 1.0.3) within the cart rules. it also happens when you don't use a code at all, the discount does not work with selected (new) customer groups. Within catalog rules, the group selection discount works fine.
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