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Posts posted by alwayspaws

  1. @lesley @Traumflug @wakabayashi Do any of you know what's wrong?

    I tried to test by installing the "custom payment methods" but I got no further.

    @tinho-chan Were you able to see anything different at the below-referenced link that's on the custom payments page?

    "This module is based on the original universalpay module which you can find on https://github.com/universalpay/universalpay. Credits go to PrestaLab.Ru (http://www.prestalab.ru) for making the initial version".

  2. @innercode I'm using your Mass Combinations Update module for my existing products and it's great!

    @spidawebs For new products combinations with a lot of colors, should I use the url to the specific image color on the csv? I was just using one color at the end of each of the 81 combinations (colors and sizes) for dog tee shirts. Thanks!

  3. @baarssen said in Livezilla module for thirty bees:

    Access your Prestashop files via FTP or Cpanel File manager.

    Open there Prestashop / Themes / Your theme name folder, in our example the "default" theme is used. You can check the name of your theme in the Prestashop admin panel in Preferences / Theme.

    Open footer.tpl file located in this folder.

    Generate the LiveZilla Code as described on the left side of this page (How to get the Code).

    Copy the code and insert it to the footer.tpl before closing tag.

    Save your changes and upload your updated footer.tpl file to your FTP or Cpanel.

    The chat button will now appear when you reload the shop page.

    Success! This works perfectly and no redirect needed. Is that correct, @Baarssen?

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