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Posts posted by alwayspaws

  1. @DaoKakao Yes, transformer v3 - PS 1.6 version

    Those blocks are by Jonny. Do you mean go through stthemeeditor by Jonny to find those? I have, so far can't find them.

    Envato is very weird! I have to sign in, check the box for "From buyers and authors only" and then I click the box for "newest".

    Oh, I'm glad you can see the comments. I still can't see them, regardless of the three browsers I use.

    Thank you! :)

  2. How do I remove these blocks from my footer, please?

    0_1507385083984_footer catalog - I want to remove it.jpg

    I checked the "no" box to always display the three sections you see in the screenshot, cleared cache, browser cache and closed browser, reopened and those are still there.

    Note to @DaoKakao I went to the Envato Transformer forum to post this question. I signed in and scrolled to the very bottom where it says "Add a comment". I added my question and I sorted by newest first and it's not there. How did you do it, please? Thank you!

  3. @daokakao said in Transformer Theme = How Compatible?:

    Again, my proposal is to open the github project, or i can deploy seafile storage on my server. For no fee. ;)

    This is very generous of you, but do you want it to become a lifelong endeavor?

    Can it be a thirty bees project only? When other people use Jonny’s themes and give translations there could be dialect differences which may confuse things further, or hold back translation approvals.

  4. @DaoKakao

    I have following suggestion/question to @mdekker and @lesley : is it possible to make a sub-project for crowdin TB translation, where community could store its own version of translations for Panda, Transformer and Warehouse themes?

    I think that’s a good idea. Since I do not know other languages, I won’t be sharing the workload, so it’s best to put it to a vote from people who are willing to take on so much responsibility.

  5. Would the Google translator help with this?


    Make your website instantly available in 100+ languages

    Add the power of Google Translate’s automatic translations to your website! The free Website Translator plugin expands your global reach quickly and easily.

  6. @occam said in How to - time display in front office ?:

    @zimmer-media said in How to - time display in front office ?:

    I look for one of our shops the possibility of the time display in the frontoffice.

    You would have found in my hints and tutorial this link:

    @zimmer-media Highly suggest @Occam link above.

    Just for the record: Never use the awful search of the PrestaShop forum! Use Google with the keyword "Prestashop forum" and your question and your search will be successful in most cases. ;)

    Absolutely. I discovered that very quickly.

    @zimmer-media The Transformer theme (and most likely Panda) has a built in Countdown Timer module:


    Some settings but the page goes on and on with options:


  7. I created a Crowdin account to see the status of the translations and to vote up, if possible.

    Russian suggestions were last approved 8-25-17.

    German and Spanish both indicate 98% approved “but needs to be voted”.

    I attempted to upvote but could not, even though I “joined” the “Transformer 4 PrestaShop theme” project. Further reading brought me to the explanation of voting:


    Possibly invite other German and Spanish speaking people to read and vote.

    German - https://crowdin.com/project/transformer-4-prestashop-theme/de/activity

    Spanish - https://crowdin.com/project/transformer-4-prestashop-theme/es-ES/activity

    Jonny Li (sunnytoo) last activity for Transformer and Panda was 9-30-17:


    He is working on languages along with integrating several other parts of his themes to work with thirty bees.

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