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Posts posted by alwayspaws

  1. @vzex @rubben1985 @spidawebs Jonny Li is excellent with tech support! Absolutely superb. He also has, as @vzex said, a lot of questions already answered in his envato forums. I sort the forum posts there by latest and from authors and buyers first (paraphrasing that part for now).

    Dekker has discussed speed tests (and told me to stay the hell away from them. LOL!) because I was getting so tangled up, I froze and didn't work on my site for a week.

    Suggested reading! @lesley wrote an in-depth blog post with comparisons and full explanations: PageSpeed is dead - https://thirtybees.com/blog/pagespeed-is-dead/

  2. @zimmer-media said in No refund possible:

    I can not refund the items when ordering. I enter the quantity and then click on the next field for the price. After exiting the quantity field, my input disappears and the field is empty. Reimbursement of shipping charges has worked.

    TB 1.0.2

    @zimmer-media thanks for posting this. I haven't reached that stage yet, but need to know.

    @admin I need to know this, too!

    @zimmer-media Where do you reimburse shipping charges, please?

  3. @vzex said in Uploading files to forum suddenly is not allowed unless image format:

    Oh good, now I don't need my glasses to see them :) :) :)

    Glasses? We don't need no stinkin' glasses! haha! You better know what I'm referring to but, if not, here's a hint: replace glasses with badges. And don't ask me how I know that. Someone said it somewhere and it keeps coming back.

    Since you and I are on Macs, how do you use emojis in the quick replies to forum messages?

  4. @spidawebs said in Does CSV import allow combinations with only two products?:

    The impact on price field is in the combinations upload. So do your new product upload, then do you combinations upload and you will see the impact on price field.

    It worked great! Thank you very much. Now when the customer selects the size, the price changes, as it should. yay! :)

    Is it normal for this to be in the URL: #/293


    is there a better way to write sizes for the URLs?

  5. @spidawebs said in Does CSV import allow combinations with only two products?:

    The impact on price field is in the combinations upload. So do your new product upload, then do you combinations upload and you will see the impact on price field.

    Not sure what you mean about reindexing. Are you talking about reindexing the search engine?

    That's good. Thanks. I mean this:

    INDEXING The "indexed" products have been analyzed by thirty bees and will appear in the results of a front office search. Indexed products 257 / 257.

    Building the product index may take a few minutes. If your server stops before the process ends, you can resume the indexing by clicking "Add missing products to the index".

    Add missing products to the index Re-build the entire index

  6. @spidawebs said in Does CSV import allow combinations with only two products?:

    @alwayspaws Yes, that's it, but keep the price the same, so for the first product both prices should be 11.95 then keep the impact on price at 10.00 for the more expensive combination

    I have another question about CSV uploads for combinations. Do I have to reindex right after uploading products? Or do I upload the combinations and then reindex?

    Thank you for your help, as usual. :)

  7. @lesley @mdekker @admin (is admin the new global moderator tag? That isn't working either)

    I tried to upload my csv to a forum post but it wasn't accepted. I just tried again while composing this. Here is the result. No file. Just its name but uploading a csv worked just yesterday.

    [01502793511281grooming-products-test.csv](Uploading 100%)

    Screenshot of error when trying to upload files:

    0_1502793747571_csv is an invalid file type - only images are allowed.jpg

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