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Posts posted by alwayspaws

  1. @Traumflug said in CSV Import (Categories) Bug:

    I've created a Github issue for this, so this well done problem description doesn't get lost: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/252

    @mdekker (just in case you want to see this again)

    This issue was closed because we thought it was working but I just posted more information:


    I'm attaching 01501376676657testing-categories-and-tags.csv here because I couldn't attach it to the git post.

  2. Me? I didn't do that! Did I? Exhausted. Now have to edit prices because they just changed! :(

    @vzex actually, @wakabayashi told me about https://contentbox.org/ in this forum post but I want that banner. My theme probably has it because it has everything (lol) but I'm already in need of 8 arms and 4 computers to catch up with all this work.


  3. @vzex Thanks, but I like the module by @daresh and used it for the previous two versions of my site. Before finding Daresh's FREE (bonus points to @Daresh!) module, I did use Nemo's tutorial - two years ago. It was one of the very first annoyances I found after getting away from Magento.

  4. @lesley said in Fantastic new Thirty Bees 1.0.2 demo store!:

    Thanks. I mainly did them to set us apart and give us our own style with the fixtures so it would look less like PrestaShop and more like its own product. To be honest, I had to find open source images to use that I could manipulate. It was going to be about 6k to purchase images to use.

    It looks so good I almost want to change my theme again but changing it three times is enough.

  5. @alwayspaws said in What to use when Tweeting from website to include images?:

    @lesley said in What to use when Tweeting from website to include images?:

    You might try something like addthis or sharethis. Those should have more options. But since all social media platforms have different image size requirements some will be cut off. You might have to make an image for every tweet and facebook post.

    For Twitter, will this do what I want and can it be done globally? If I need to add a lot of code to each product I may as well write the tweets.

    https://dh42.com/free-prestashop-modules/prestashop-twitter-card-module/ by you know who! :)

    @lesley Lesley, I haven't added this module yet, but will it show images? Do I have to create a twitter card for each product?

  6. @zimmer-media said in Wishlist - For me and my clients:

    I am currently changing my PS shops to TB. My clients are also very satisfied with the results of the tests and the results.

    Congratulations and thank you!

    • Modules sorted alphabetically in the list I like this suggestion!

    • product features multiple value

    • The order number would be the most important. For example 3 Shops with order numbers SJUWEDH or HSUHZ5 or XD56SDF makes it difficult to find work in payment receipt by means of bank transfer, to search in every shop, where the order number belongs, if the customer only the order number in the intended use of the bank transfer.

    Thanks to @Havouza for bringing the free module by @Daresh to our attention:


    It lets you change LETTERS to numbers for customer order reference numbers

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