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Everything posted by Generaal

  1. Ok, I wil try it..tnx.
  2. Well, I have a cache system on my server, come with PHP 7.0.10 version and these are running.
  3. Hello lesley, these are turned off, I have clean the cache in BO and FO, but nothing change.
  4. Hello lesley, I have delete the files in the theme cache dir, not the index file. The cache dir are in my theme.
  5. The code was not afded to my test site, only on my life site..the test site runs without SSL certificate.
  6. @wakabayashi I have modify some CMS pages, titels and afding a new page. But they want come up on the FO, then I have delete the cache files in Smarty cache and the theme cache.
  7. Front office complete distroying. What can I do to fix this? Best Regards, Roger http://erolust.be
  8. Hello folks, I have some problems, I have reconfigure some CMS pages (titels) and now on the horizontal menu, there are stil the old titels. I have cleaning the browser cache, the BO cache, even regenerate Friendly URLS in BO, but nothing change. I have even delete the files in Smarty cashes. The only thing that wil work are disable Friendly URL's, but that are not an option.
  9. Hello MockoB, I have configure it today and all works fine. But you have to wait for adding your url to the list by the company. I have a valid ssl certificate. Hello Raithlin, Have you placed in your htaccess, in the top of the page?
  10. I have today a "like as" Link to database cannot be established: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused. I visited a SEO page and after the test, they have disconnected my database sever! Nice people!
  11. It can speed up your shop with about 200ms, When you added the code and you webadress on https://hstspreload.org , the browser will see that you using this code and prepaire the https internal in the browser, before opening the site to you customers. This avoid the http redirections on loadtime. You can read this article: https://scotthelme.co.uk/hsts-preloading/
  12. Implenting HSTS preload. Check this on: https://hstspreload.org You can add the follow code in you htaccess on the first: Header set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload" env=HTTPS And test and comfirm your site. Succes
  13. Hello zimmer-media, thats not the right option, in the PS 1.6 version, you have to set the option to "1" in the cvs product or product combination import to correspondent to the set them to the TAB, when you import your cvs. The problem are, that you by re-import some data again, the images added again and you create a whole bunch of the same images by import. Ofcourse you can delete the image data in your sheet before the import to avoid it. In the PS version, there are these option still there, but not in the TB 1.03 version.
  14. Hello forum readers, are there a solution to implent in the CSV combination import, to choice for the option "delete existing images"? When I have to re-import some records, there come the same images up in the FO, a messy thing. PS Baarssen, the option are not there, when you import you combination csv into TB.
  15. You can check your alt tag images: https://adresults.nl/tools/alt-tags-checker/
  16. So far I know..There are no options in BO to do the job.
  17. I have uploaded in the CVS product field, when I import the products. I think that you have manualy edit you images in a prog to add the alt text to the picture afterwhile.
  18. Hello Petr, Hmm, thats not the solution to prevent bot's email sending. But you have to digging into the code to send your email, without using te slider. The PS life shop running until I have setup the TB to go life. In the test TB shop, I have the Google captcha module installed, hopely they works correct!
  19. Hello wakabayashi, I have installed the offical module in my TB test shop, but my life shop running on PS 1.6, there I have installed the captcha slider module. But I think, there are email server issues, that I have te manage.
  20. Hello Glenn, I will try your suggestion, to change some settings on my server. I have added the mail@ru to the SpamAssassin Mail Filter on the black list, but that did't them stop. Thanks for you suggestion.
  21. On my webshop, I have even the captcha working for the contact form, but they are in, before I have installed the captcha module.
  22. Hello TB folks, even the above module don't prevent the email stream from mail@ru.
  23. I have on my site, the free module installed. you can visit the site: https://www.block-disposable-email.com/cms/ 200 credits are free every mounth. 01519216818108medcontrolemailfree.zip
  24. Indeed Gord14, and even follow the money in these branche..you have to stay ahead for the new Google rules.
  25. When they are in your email system, the email will go out. I have installed the whole bunch to prevent, but nothing will work on the moment.
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