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Posts posted by DRMasterChief

  1. Hello James :)

    i already added the following CSS code in the custom.css file:

    containerexpresscheckout {margin-right: 0 !important;}

    I did not do any changes in Paypal module, but i think it will do the same? Would it be better to do this in the custom.css or in the Paypal module folder? The question is, if my own changes will be overritten when i do an update of the module?

    thank you for more hints on this!

  2. Hello, i have integrated Paypal in TB 1.0.3 - and we are not using the standard Theme. Now the question is, how to move the Paypal "express checkouot" button in cart? This was installed by a hook from Paypal module and it is ok there (the customer can choose if he will go to checkout or login via his Paypal account.

    I have attached a jpg and it would be great if anyone can explain how to move this button to fit at the right side of checkout table. I have EN and DE language in our shop, so the button "proceed to checkout" has different size depending on the language and Paypal button has to fit to right side, no matter of the size of Theme button ""proceed to checkout" .

    thank you!! 0_1504465111017_ppbuttonright.jpg

  3. Hello, as you have written in the previous thread it seems it is not working in TB 1.0.3 ? Is this still unsolved?

    Well looks like I will have to look into the webservice code after all. Just upgraded to 1.0.3 and the retina images are not created via the webservice image upload either. Will report what I find.

    It is also very interesting for me, as we use JTL Wawi to upload images and i think it will need this also and to the changes as you do. thank you

  4. Hallo, ich würde gerne in die rechte Spalte die "angesehenen Produkte" (VIEWED PRODUCTS) einfügen. Leider komme ich damit gar nicht klar wo und wie ich einen Hook einbinden muss oder die Position festlege.

    Ich hänge mal ein Bild an, was momentan in der Right Column drin ist. Wie bekomme ich da noch mehr Module rein, wie z.B. die angesehenen Produkte?

    danke für Eure kurzen Tips, ist sicher nur eine Kleinigkeit


  5. Hello Occam, also thank you for these informations. I know about the problems with Smartycache in PS 1.6...

    So, now i have turned off the Smartycache in my TB installation.(standard in a fresh installation is on). debugging is all off, CCC is all off. "use MemCache" is off. TB is still fast, but it was noticeable faster with the Smartycache on.

    There are still some basic needs for Europe/Germany which should be realized with this module (in my opinion). Can anyone tell if TB is working on the AEUC for more settings and extensions? E.g.: - items short description in shopping cart - basic price also in catergory or blocks and in cart

    thank you

  6. With no caches it is shown correctly at start page, product page and category page. Now i have turned on the cache and it is shown already, but also the really old bug with twice the "Tax included Shipping excluded Tax included Shipping excluded"..... arrrgggh, thought this was fixed in TB.

  7. Hello, i am still trying with TB, now i have installed our Theme which we will use. It works with TB in the same way as with PrestaShop, so far ok....

    But... i have installed 2 languages, German and English. The AdvancedEUcompliance module is installed. TB shows the changes of AdvancedEUcompliance in German language.

    When i switch to English, none of the AdvancedEUcompliance -changes are shown (e.g. shipping costs near the items). It seems thats this module is only installed for "German", but how can i change this?

    thank you

  8. Btw. is there any correct solution for “unit price” in TB ? I have had some problems with unit price in the categorie (unit price was not displayed in categorie, only in the item site), and also not displayed in bestsellers, special offers .... this is also necessary for EU compliance module.

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