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DRMasterChief last won the day on April 20

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  1. It is strange, because this i can find 'only' in the module which is for themeconfigurator, but i do not have anything configurated/change by this. At the moment i am playing around and add this to the @font-face (i have seen this in the loaded code, so maybe it must be given also in the local fonts): unicode-range: U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+0304, U+0308, U+0329, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD; also another hint found here: css - Google Fonts provides different WOFF2 files between Chrome and Chromium - Stack Overflow
  2. Hi, ob das in tb geht kann ich nicht sagen, da wir noch nie darin eine Rng. erstellt haben. Du kommst da genau zu den Gründen warum eine Wawi eine Wawi ist und ein Shop ein Shop ist 😉
  3. Great to have an separate thread now 👌 @the.rampage.rado: I have used SearchMyFiles again, now i found the following config-php-file in modules in my Theme. I did not find it before via the Software, not sure why.... So this is the part which loads from googleapi : /* HOOK (displayTop) /*-------------------------------------------------------------*/ public function hookDisplayHeader() { $google_webfont_url = ''; if (!$this->prepareHook()) { return; } // sans-serif if (Configuration::get('FONT_FAMILY') == '\'Open Sans\', sans-serif' || Configuration::get('TITLE_FONT_FAMILY') == '\'Open Sans\', sans-serif') { $google_webfont_url .= 'Open+Sans:400,800,700,400italic,300italic,300|'; } if ($google_webfont_url != '') { $this->context->controller->addCSS('//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family='.$google_webfont_url); } When i go directly to fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,800,700,400italic,300italic,300| - you can try this for your own, a lot of css as expected, no problem so far. In this css from google i can see the 2 fonts, which was loaded to my Theme, e.g. this one: https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/opensans/v40/memtYaGs126MiZpBA-UFUIcVXSCEkx2cmqvXlWqWuU6F.woff2 (a click will download it!) So does this mean i have to download these 2 files (or all named on this css) and copy them locally to the server as usual? Strange, why is this?
  4. done, but i cant find anything in this direction, makes me crazy...
  5. Thanks for the kind tip! The caniuse... is helpful. I have already the font-display: swap; now i have deleted all 'old' Open Sans fonts and installed only the new ones (v40), i have also changed my global.css in themes folder with the new information. But something I don't know is still connecting to fonts.gstatic.com as you can see here, and i really do not want to have this 👮‍♂️ 😟
  6. thanks for feedback, i will try yours (with Turnstile), seems to be better, grab not that much than Google´s and Turnstile had some GDPR advantages compared to Google.
  7. i found the https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cookieconsent2/3.0.3/cookieconsent.min.js in modules\eucookieconsent\views\templates\hooks\cookieconsent.tpl Is it possible to load this file locally from server?
  8. @wakabayashi a few months are gone now.... how is your experience? is it still 'no spam' ? I use Google module right now, but shop is not live until now. I am urgently looking for another captcha that is data protection compliant. (is yours/Cloudflare´s ?) I found this too, looks very good and conform with GDPR, so it would be nice for the EU countries but needs an Dev to bring it to thirtybees: https://friendlycaptcha.com/#developers
  9. from each font i have (locally) eot / eot?#iefix / woff2 / woff / ttf / svg e.g. like this: font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; src: url('../fonts/open-sans-v15..... and maybe i have to add the v40 ???? found this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22295165/googles-open-sans-regular-400-always-italic I have done a search and the loaded files from my question are in modules \authorizeaim and in \nocaptcharecaptcha and in admin\filemanager
  10. Thanks for this, but i dont have ssh. Maybe i will try 'SearchMyFiles' on Windows.
  11. so it is only from Cookieconsent module do you think? Can i check this anywhere (deactivate this module should do it)?
  12. Hello, BEFORE the update to 1.5.1 we had changed all externally loaded data sources (e.g. fonts) so that all fonts are loaded internally on the server (copied them via FTP to our webspace). Now since 1.5.1 I see that the following 3 things are loaded externally: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/cookieconsent2/3.0.3/cookieconsent.min.js src: url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/opensans/v40/memtYaGs126xyz1234567890....woff2) format('woff2'); and the font opensans/v40 from fonts.gstatic.com Did the update to 1.5.1 cause this? Unfortunately this is not communicated anywhere by tb. In our case it is very important because of the information requirement about cookies. Where can I change that again?
  13. Thanks @the.rampage.rado for this, great idea 🙂 A question about the upper thing: Redirect 302 /wp-login.php /modules/blackholebots/blackhole/ Redirect 302 /wp-config.php /modules/blackholebots/blackhole/ Redirect 302 /xmlrpc.php /modules/blackholebots/blackhole/ >> wouldn't it be better to use a Redirect 301 for this (instead of 302)?
  14. few years ago i was testing PS 1.6.x with various Themes, and absolutely most of the Leo Themes was 'damaged' and did not run... so maybe.... but as you know, PS 1.7 is a complete different code and structure. As written above, you have to look for 1.6 themes.
  15. Genau solche Sachen kann die integrierte "Ameise" genau nach deinen Wünschen (frei konfigurierbar) exportieren, in einfache CSV oder Datev. Damit kann man dann weiterarbeiten, sich eine EÜR erstellen oder sonstwas.... direkt kann die Wawi das aber nicht (kenne den aktuellsten Stand der ganz neuen Wawi aber nicht, da schaue bitte mal selbst nach dem Funktionsumfang!!).
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