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Everything posted by Anima

  1. Anima

    Blog Doubt

    All right, I'm not sensitive. The blog warehouse is very good, however I'd like to create a cascading menu bar for the subjects, but that's not the biggest problem right now, I'm having this error when I try to open the post. PrestaShopException Call to a member function isAccessGranted() on null at line 33 in file modules/ph_simpleblog/controllers/front/single.php php 28. 29. $id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id; 30. 31. $SimpleBlogPost = SimpleBlogPost::getByRewrite($this->simpleblog_post_rewrite, $id_lang); 32. 33. => if (!$SimpleBlogPost->isAccessGranted()) { 34. Tools::redirect('index.php?controller=404'); 35. } 36. 37. if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($SimpleBlogPost) || Validate::isLoadedObject($SimpleBlogPost) && !$SimpleBlogPost->active) { 38. Tools::redirect('index.php?controller=404'); - PH_SimpleBlogSingleModuleFrontController->init - [line 373 - classes/controller/Controller.php] php 368. } 369. } 370. echo $content; 371. 372. } else { 373. => $this->init(); 374. if ($this->checkAccess()) { 375. if (!$this->content_only && ($this->display_header || (isset($this->className) && $this->className))) { 376. $this->setMedia(); 377. } 378. - ControllerCore->run - [line 742 - classes/Dispatcher.php] php 737. if (isset($paramsHookActionDispatcher)) { 738. Hook::exec('actionDispatcher', $paramsHookActionDispatcher); 739. } 740. 741. // Running controller 742. => $controller->run(); 743. } catch (PrestaShopException $e) { 744. $e->displayMessage(); 745. } 746. } 747. - DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 33 - index.php] php 28. * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) 29. * PrestaShop is an internationally registered trademark & property of PrestaShop SA 30. */ 31. 32. require(dirname(__FILE__).'/config/config.inc.php'); 33. => Dispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch(); @mdekker @Traumflug I know it's not related to 30bz but could you help me with it? I do not understand anything about php
  2. Anima

    Blog Doubt

    My main business is not blogging, but selling. I have no interest in getting out of thirty bees. My products are not easy to sell, I need to invest a lot in facebook, google, instagram and youtube. I do not have a lot of competition, but they are not survival or high-need products, so I need to be always active on various platforms and I'm just looking for the best solution for my shop.
  3. Anima

    Blog Doubt

    The theme I currently use has a blog (warehouse), but so far I have not found any settings that display a detailed blog menu. Thirty bees will also work with blog, do not expect too much because it is not a function of a super efficient blog. So I'm thinking of using wordpress for this function, I would like comments, I know that this platform is one of the best in this question (if not the best). This question is also related to SEO, I know that wordpress integrations for facebook, instagran and etc is very good, but will I be able to integrate with thirty bees? thank you all
  4. Anima


    Yes, but only informs that a problem exists, does not distinguish the problem.
  5. Anima


    It was installed by the browser normally in another VPS, so I had to move the store to another server and did the normal migration. I downloaded the files from the server and uploaded the other files. I use VPS configured by myself, Ubuntu 17.04 (I will migrate to debian 9, 16.04 was with bugs) Apache2, php 7 and ISPConfig
  6. Anima


    @mdekker apt-get install php7.0-bcmath :)
  7. Anima


    Sorry for this silly problem, I'm very tired and went unnoticed, it was only install module BCMATH that everything worked perfectly
  8. Anima


    PrestaShopException The bcmath extension is required by NumberFormatter. at line 113 in file vendor/commerceguys/intl/src/Formatter/NumberFormatter.php php 108. * @throws \RuntimeException 109. */ 110. public function __construct(NumberFormatInterface $numberFormat, $style = self::DECIMAL) 111. { 112. if (!extension_loaded('bcmath')) { 113. => throw new \RuntimeException('The bcmath extension is required by NumberFormatter.'); 114. } 115. $availablePatterns = [ 116. self::DECIMAL => $numberFormat->getDecimalPattern(), 117. self::PERCENT => $numberFormat->getPercentPattern(), 118. self::CURRENCY => $numberFormat->getCurrencyPattern(), - CommerceGuys\Intl\Formatter\NumberFormatter->__construct - [line 819 - classes/Tools.php] - [2 Arguments] php 814. if ($tbCurrency->sign) { 815. $currency->setSymbol($tbCurrency->sign); 816. } 817. $numberFormat = $numberFormatRepository->get($languageIso); 818. 819. => $currencyFormatter = new NumberFormatter($numberFormat, NumberFormatter::CURRENCY); 820. 821. return $currencyFormatter->formatCurrency($price, $currency); 822. } 823. 824. /** ```Argument [0] CommerceGuys\Intl\NumberFormat\NumberFormat Object ( [locale:protected] => pt [numberingSystem:protected] => latn [decimalSeparator:protected] => , [groupingSeparator:protected] => . [plusSign:protected] => + [minusSign:protected] => - [percentSign:protected] => % [decimalPattern:protected] => #,##0.### [percentPattern:protected] => #,##0% [currencyPattern:protected] => ¤#,##0.00 [accountingCurrencyPattern:protected] => ¤#,##0.00;(¤#,##0.00) ) Argument [1] 3 - **ToolsCore::displayPrice** - [line `285` - `modules/blockcart/blockcart.php`] - [2 Arguments]php 280. $baseShipping = $baseShippingWithTax; 281. } else { 282. $baseShipping = $baseShippingWithoutTax; 283. } 284. } 285. => $shippingCost = Tools::displayPrice($baseShipping, $currency); 286. $shippingCostFloat = Tools::convertPrice($baseShipping, $currency); 287. $wrappingCost = (float) ($params['cart']->getOrderTotal($useTax, Cart::ONLYWRAPPING)); 288. $totalToPay = $params['cart']->getOrderTotal($useTax); 289. 290. if ($useTax && Configuration::get('PSTAXDISPLAY') == 1) { Argument [0] 0 Argument [1] Currency Object ( [id] => 1 [name] => Real [isocode] => BRL [isocodenum] => 986 [sign] => R$ [blank] => 1 [conversion_rate] => 1.000000 [deleted] => 0 [format] => 3 [decimals] => 1 [active] => 1 [prefix] => R$ [suffix] => [webserviceParameters:protected] => Array ( [objectsNodeName] => currencies ) [id_lang] => [id_shop] => 1 [id_shop_list] => [get_shop_from_context:protected] => 1 [table:protected] => currency [identifier:protected] => id_currency [fieldsRequired:protected] => Array ( [0] => name [1] => iso_code [2] => sign [3] => format [4] => decimals [5] => conversion_rate ) [fieldsSize:protected] => Array ( [name] => 32 [iso_code] => 3 [iso_code_num] => 3 [sign] => 8 ) [fieldsValidate:protected] => Array ( [name] => isGenericName [iso_code] => isLanguageIsoCode [iso_code_num] => isNumericIsoCode [blank] => isInt [sign] => isGenericName [format] => isUnsignedId [decimals] => isBool [conversion_rate] => isUnsignedFloat [deleted] => isBool [active] => isBool ) [fieldsRequiredLang:protected] => Array ( ) [fieldsSizeLang:protected] => Array ( ) [fieldsValidateLang:protected] => Array ( ) [tables:protected] => Array ( ) [image_dir:protected] => [image_format:protected] => jpg [def:protected] => Array ( [table] => currency [primary] => id_currency [multilang_shop] => 1 [fields] => Array ( [name] => Array ( [type] => 3 [validate] => isGenericName [required] => 1 [size] => 32 ) [iso_code] => Array ( [type] => 3 [validate] => isLanguageIsoCode [required] => 1 [size] => 3 ) [iso_code_num] => Array ( [type] => 3 [validate] => isNumericIsoCode [size] => 3 ) [blank] => Array ( [type] => 1 [validate] => isInt ) [sign] => Array ( [type] => 3 [validate] => isGenericName [required] => 1 [size] => 8 ) [format] => Array ( [type] => 1 [validate] => isUnsignedId [required] => 1 ) [decimals] => Array ( [type] => 2 [validate] => isBool [required] => 1 ) [conversion_rate] => Array ( [type] => 4 [validate] => isUnsignedFloat [required] => 1 [shop] => 1 ) [deleted] => Array ( [type] => 2 [validate] => isBool ) [active] => Array ( [type] => 2 [validate] => isBool ) ) [classname] => Currency ) [update_fields:protected] => [force_id] => ) - **BlockCart->assignContentVars** - [line `242` - `modules/blockcart/blockcart.php`] - [1 Arguments]php 237. [ 238. 'orderpage' => (strpos($SERVER['PHPSELF'], 'order') !== false), 239. 'blockcarttop' => (isset($params['blockcarttop']) && $params['blockcarttop']) ? true : false, 240. ] 241. ); 242. => $this->assignContentVars($params); 243. 244. return $this->display(FILE, 'blockcart.tpl'); 245. } 246. 247. /** Argument [0] - **BlockCart->hookRightColumn** - [line `466` - `modules/blockcart/blockcart.php`] - [1 Arguments]php 461. */ 462. public function hookTop($params) 463. { 464. $params['blockcart_top'] = true; 465. 466. => return $this->hookRightColumn($params); 467. } 468. } Argument [0] - **BlockCart->hookTop** - [line `779` - `classes/Hook.php`] - [1 Arguments]php 774. } 775. } 776. 777. // Immediately return the result if we do not log performances 778. if (!Module::$logmodulesperfs) { 779. => return $module->{$method}($params); 780. } 781. 782. // Store time and memory before and after hook call and save the result in the database 783. $timeStart = microtime(true); 784. $memoryStart = memoryget_usage(true); Argument [0] - **HookCore::coreCallHook** - [line `497` - `classes/Hook.php`] - [3 Arguments]php 492. 493. // Call hook method 494. if ($hookCallable) { 495. $display = Hook::coreCallHook($moduleInstance, 'hook'.$hookName, $hookArgs); 496. } elseif ($hookRetroCallable) { 497. => $display = Hook::coreCallHook($moduleInstance, 'hook'.$retroHookName, $hookArgs); 498. } 499. 500. // Live edit 501. if (!$arrayReturn && $array['liveedit'] && Tools::isSubmit('liveedit') && Tools::getValue('ad') 502. && Tools::getValue('liveToken') == Tools::getAdminToken( Argument [0] Argument [1] hooktop Argument [2] - **HookCore::execWithoutCache** - [line `280` - `classes/Hook.php`] - [7 Arguments]php 275. $checkExceptions = true, 276. $usePush = false, 277. $idShop = null 278. ) { 279. if (!Configuration::get('TBPAGECACHEENABLED')) { 280. => return static::execWithoutCache($hookName, $hookArgs, $idModule, $arrayReturn, $checkExceptions, $usePush, $idShop); 281. } 282. 283. $activehooks = jsondecode(Configuration::get('TBPAGECACHE_HOOKS'), true); 284. 285. $found = false; Argument [0] displayTop Argument [1] Argument [2] Argument [3] Argument [4] 1 Argument [5] Argument [6] - **HookCore::exec** - [line `278` - `classes/controller/FrontController.php`] - [1 Arguments]php 273. $hookheader .= $extracode['PSCUSTOMCODEMETAS'].$extracss; 274. 275. $this->context->smarty->assign( 276. [ 277. 'HOOKHEADER' => $hookheader, 278. => 'HOOKTOP' => Hook::exec('displayTop'), 279. 'HOOKLEFTCOLUMN' => ($this->displaycolumnleft ? Hook::exec('displayLeftColumn') : ''), 280. 'HOOKRIGHTCOLUMN' => ($this->displaycolumnright ? Hook::exec('displayRightColumn', ['cart' => $this->context->cart]) : ''), 281. ] 282. ); 283. } else { Argument [0] displayTop - **FrontControllerCore->initContent** - [line `53` - `controllers/front/IndexController.php`]php 48. * 49. * @since 1.0.0 50. */ 51. public function initContent() 52. { 53. => parent::initContent(); 54. $this->addJS(_THEME_JS_DIR_.'index.js'); 55. 56. $this->context->smarty->assign( 57. [ 58. 'HOOK_HOME' => Hook::exec('displayHome'), - **IndexControllerCore->initContent** - [line `390` - `classes/controller/Controller.php`]php 385. if (!$this->content_only && ($this->display_header || (isset($this->className) && $this->className))) { 386. $this->initHeader(); 387. } 388. 389. if ($this->viewAccess()) { 390. => $this->initContent(); 391. } else { 392. $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Access denied.'); 393. } 394. 395. if (!$this->content_only && ($this->display_footer || (isset($this->className) && $this->className))) { - **ControllerCore->run** - [line `742` - `classes/Dispatcher.php`]php 737. if (isset($paramsHookActionDispatcher)) { 738. Hook::exec('actionDispatcher', $paramsHookActionDispatcher); 739. } 740. 741. // Running controller 742. => $controller->run(); 743. } catch (PrestaShopException $e) { 744. $e->displayMessage(); 745. } 746. } 747. - **DispatcherCore->dispatch** - [line `33` - `index.php`]php 28. * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php Open Software License (OSL 3.0) 29. * PrestaShop is an internationally registered trademark & property of PrestaShop SA 30. */ 31. 32. require(dirname(FILE).'/config/config.inc.php'); 33. => Dispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch(); ```
  9. Make a direct backup of the database and restore, worked ... But there is a problem and it must be fixed before it causes harm to anyone. The backup done on the site does not work, it creates tables and fields but it does not populate. That was the problem, the bank existed, the tables existed, but they were not fulfilled. Thank you very much for your attention.
  10. Backoffice
  11. That's the problem, the backofice is not accessible, it's just the login screen. I made the database something like URL_SHOP (I'm in class has no way to confirm) and even then it's just the login screen. So I directed the main domain to the test VPS and tried to change it in SEO & URL and so the backoffice worked but the new domain did not.
  12. Hello, To not get my store from the air I decided to start with everything from the start in another domain and VPS, after the completion I tried to take the files to the old server, but when I try to restore the database backup gives error. I see this error on the homepage and I can not enter the backoffice. lYdf6MYyGGU=y7vPfyDnNKo=Uf3jSP0CDpQ=iQrgznvkGdU=mc3cyFi1by4=jWq5QQdZe2A=UIw57uqxP4k=Po/wjxrnoIM=AXpVTpT9Y+A=VqUrQqmdvbc=menODV7oPoA=Vg21a9sTQzc=n7iMU4E9/Dk=/5mSOeKainI=DUWg570KYeo=jnL9+DXiic8=Ojk3i3ZVsHc=VxtUcyuSVkg=eh3JmAsr2Nc=g9+oWeKPJUg=8Fe8TIn8lzw=QVtteVabX6M=qU1uzLUp7sk=ZyUo8rz3Er8=cnJR4DnxDTk=jnL9+DXiic8=jnL9+DXiic8=HJBBH/ABNeo=Plz64z20T2Q=ibAcYk9qVN4=+vNkyuQXb64=CQA7qi2FmXk=7CFxgYJHNSE=Ki5+sevThf0=Z2oV6INVySM=wNS3hjJ54OE=m4zffY2T4sA=jnL9+DXiic8=jnL9+DXiic8=Klb0+F2Ua1M=PX50lTafzhY=6tN/9RanAB4=/SxHdGIWX3U=ag+LCwlNqsQ=1hVWPIwUrsI=jgnRiwaGB2U=QK8pAmgxO18=IByB6pXicEY=jnL9+DXiic8=y1+w2g6vuX0=fCrVKF6GtjQ=38TZXcpfBdw=UxaBpsZe2so=QG3Dinbl/b0=cSG4ecMEVc4=3vF8Gd0vyyo=JDiAphm0vEE=jnL9+DXiic8=jnL9+DXiic8=CqW0STKNMCc=f1K1jKoQWtg=y7vPfyDnNKo=MzyDE6HKOR0=pzOh9lqXOJ4=3cLKG/ceCLA=QbSAs880+zE=jnL9+DXiic8=jnL9+DXiic8=+442InwaO1s=pT3ty3xZP4c=afTtfw++0nY=jnL9+DXiic8=mdN/WeZRyfs=/blM/e/cSIc=GN6wfgD4AMk=QfOh6OiEZ/I=jnL9+DXiic8=ojMln0fzdaU=odUZFKVytXI=cHrhODHXX+E=f+vvO5WIbiM=zR8aMsJO3fo=jnL9+DXiic8=jnL9+DXiic8=Fufxkq8Rbeg=816VifzMD0w=5omlQl6wtb4=jpImcGztHuU=Q61gzfI3hJQ=j9fzlfKJzkM=yjFq5uaVhTU=6JdMnPYYYFs=mWdURuCNDQc=B+VoJUkmw/4=p5gId9r3ecM=MTn75uXOCRY=8T8Z2m1YGe0=n+DXePLk6Z8=oe5D3lwXE0I=l97gBeeUkVI=q4OfVwyOz78=tfBjvoV5Y3w=9mEBSbNak/E=9LmlRUXQzNo=r3fUaz/x5kM=VZqaRWekJaI=a6Vy9mYi8Q4=rKDwPxDrTQA=YBA2b8iRQ1A=PIIL0LZVj44=hOltUBZJBFY=zCKyyCtqIuE=WHpDQq2Suwk=F5kD33vdiOg=WApjqK5cIg0=F6XhM5oBEpI=0ADDHvo6y5o=yjFq5uaVhTU=Qm7XyNWrQW0=I7MOj/gJ4q0=q4OfVwyOz78=bJ/5wNR7gIY=YSVmNAxuonw=Q1xd5E8P9gk=QomMsRF0Rtk=yBpMfDjW8/A=ozI4TBmJIug=xljpmZwTl0I=fEkab1b3uRk=0JYdUmOoons=n1IvwggYwys=z71wWp9sA2Q=lHl1RHTaydU=SnCqjiG8JTA=MxQOLfUhrG4=aV3QqfsrE7M=1w0MHdsxGeQ=X0I7NxwbL3c=HiM82UG7kPg=mAo2AXl+q4Q=wQFI+fbHgks=UmDiNYyumYo=ltu4hnjMGg0=5SsqgCGhMnM=B1nl7Hw9IEM=h1LrL04MYOM=QRSyiJ2skc4=lKdGxu7sTe4=jnL9+DXiic8=P6KC7Pti6Co=fOsTBbEOq0E=/64cw1iRTgs=ISg0s2BV+Dw=iHExz/QetJQ=XjeQTjivglY=nB9FBh5K5e0=ZNBvUtLpLyQ=cJQ1TpFmLkM=v/1300abCU8=D7gZicglUu4=mkR5zQELzK4=MS55qwCVJV8=Jn8NIyiZhp8=Yb2CG8MNBbc=C1XqEbsCmhA=ZptgIPWTb7I=DEGpGcaS044=LGjpOVpvHTM=aYWeX4UHw0c=Mw1jxpLshZA=KkdcZUVhYhU=2s//2Bu6nEI=fTj5Ub6tiCY=2PJrVIhDOWU=mWdURuCNDQc=XQeq0L5OGgA=UwDWGL0K/3E=9aC0AzfhxsQ=NrDo4dDH3y0=s1inRWh33Ik=aDWsTk5Zq94=oPyvf/+A+LI=ctiSFIeuoA0=R0rtphaHXTo=W4NXLGYKINI=7fkL9BN1E2M=eH1Hqo8YRkc=PdHXwLkxPyY=dFLdifev6xU=LoBLMQjAepI=MkIA5mD2QxE=ptDjK65LM6g=a7PSIsyvy2M=1QggZng1Fik=F5lKZr6YEU0=KStWAjxhh/s=RSpxG/6mht4=prT0KGhm8A0=Egqa/OlD8qw=F2458H3X4sQ=aMmr/iJOn50=UKOavD5pDJY=FzYnvfbI4FM=CUvWPAwQdPk=q6+q1Wxjz9E=QuQlqF5OLjg=0e7/mx8HlAM=WrE8NPfThBs=lQA+a8/gkfk=xkk6k7gPXOk=CXdRiRGjawI=at5Zw8SfX/w=m5V5NUxH0U8=GBUS7ZWgoKs=BK4KrCI3/Uc=tTzrAb/0Ah0=RZngczTjGhw=5g6ecq8GMV0=MfxoIUpc1NA=cvttGjU/qGo=I2IX/MlYY2o=8xk6Ynh2Sh4=YIy15J9AzrI=+y7lrhce6pg=rA6NZtPlc0w=zo6MfQOsTLU=mqvlcsqNSUU=g0Baz8SeJyc=bEUBOhSWb7Y=lG3gkWRI8u8=wnmkwmAidxc=lJUnNKeLMis=Hvb1ZUWQ5w8=RJs0RitKLHA=yB6af65VvdA=Z5qz3apXbJk=WlLc8d3wJ60=kiKrR8igheQ=001897
  13. I am almost migraine to this company, I am at OVH at 1 year and I am almost 1 year in advance. The OVH machines have admirable technology and the price even more, but the support is terrible !!! Imagine a layman installing only ISPConfig, Apche, Debian 8, it was scary! Returning to doubt, which product do you recommend for a store with 1k products? How many products can I add to this hosting? Or would you rather get a VPS? So I leave the environment ovh for tests. I'm Brazilian, I need a price, USD and EUR are extremely expensive for me!
  14. Here https://thirtybees.com/updates/ :)
  15. Hello everyone! I need the advice and help of the most experienced. 1st I have VPS 1x2.4GHz 4GB RAM 20GB SSD, I am bothered with it and I am thinking of switching to these configurations 1x2.4GHz 6GB RAM 25GB SSD or 1x3.1GHz 2GB 25GB SSD. My question is, what is more important RAM or CPU? Or in that case RAM would be better seen that the CPU difference is not glaring? 2nd An Nginx + apache server for a small store (1000 products) is viable, is it worth the effort? Is it too complicated to make the two work together? 3º For the time being I have 2 stores in the same VPS, I have plans for 4 stores, better get a VPS for each store or choose a better VPS (ex: 2x2.4GHz 12GB RAM 50GB SSD or 2x3.1GHz 4GB RAM 50GB SSD) 4th is it feasible to put the store in normal web sites? I will not have to configure VPS, but is it good to leave the store in a shared environment?
  16. As I said before, for those who live in developed countries will not have headache, but in sub-development, with high cost and precarious connection becomes very important to decrease latency. Dolar / euro for me has an exorbitant value. Here there is a lot of difference a servidir in Brazil for one in the canada. The world is not colorful for everyone.
  17. I'm not able to install theme, does anyone know if the procedure is different from ps?
  18. If we stop to think, it's not easy for anyone! hahahahaahha
  19. I am ashamed, I did not know about this island, it is very beautiful and small. We are in the same situation, the technological conditions there also do not seem favorable. Here we live with political neglect and corruption, on the other hand you are not well seeing neighboring countries either.
  20. To another continent is horrible, it only goes well for south america. It was better, 5 days ago that the connection is unstable, it must have been some problem with the provider. The maximum offered in my city is 7Mb and many problems of corrupted packages.
  21. My connection is not good Region Brazil/Recife
  22. @Havouza (I was just making a comparison of what is possible with this money ^^ ') Yes unfortunately I am Brazilian, we do not have technological infrastructure here, everything is absurdly expensive, it's not worth having a lodging here just to improve the ping. Currently I use a VPS OVH 1x2.4Ghz 6GB RAM 25GB SSD 100mbps and I am paying $ 8 Works with ISPConfig, Apache2 and mariadb. I even like the hardware, it responds well, but the OVH support is horrible !!! And I have a bit more latency, but it's good for the price (in Brazil a VPS in these configurations is around $ 150 with much lower link) thirty bees has partnered with a company, now I forgot the name but you should find it easy in the forum, speak very well the company everywhere, but it is not feasible for my financial scenario
  23. 11000 euros, much better you pay 5 years of VPS spend 1500 euros with modules and themes! Still about 8000 euros to buy products Money for northern hemisphere is no problem, already for southern emisphere ... I bought a theme "Werehouse" costing $ 79 (~ R$ 270) for you would be something like $ 600 (-.- my country sucks, everything is very difficult, very expensive, a lot of corruption!)
  24. @ericchaffey How did you work?
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