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Everything posted by Anima

  1. I was already thinking of suggesting a native module for POS, even if it is simple. For example, I have a store, seeing in the "Mercado Libre" and seeing in physical store, whenever sale occurs in any of these I have to change all stocks! I know that for free market I will need to develop something with their API (I am already solving it in python / django). I also have 3 more stores that I take care of (father-in-law and sister-in-law) both need a simple POS. And all the small traders need it, too. It would be a great attraction. I think it would attract a lot of people if somebody needs something better elaborate than buying a module. I think of working with services in tb, but I am still immature in php / linux, once you are more confident and developing modules in PHP I will start in sales of services thirty bees! O/
  2. I followed the post where they say that the theme "warehouse" worked in the thirty bess, trying to install the theme is sent successfully but does not appear to choose and change. I'm using tb v1.0.1-beta2 @mdekker Any idea? It is working fine, in prestashop, it gave 500 error, but when the upgrade worked.
  3. Thank you very much! I am very happy and anxious! I'm following all the progress through github and chat;) Thanks a lot to everything, I get upset for not being able to help ... But one day I will write codes in php
  4. I know it's a test, but can I put a store in production? I really need to put the store in TB!
  5. I put the translation in 100% anyway I see many things in English or pt-pt. On the menu you will have to do it manually in Administration> menus
  6. My store is still prestashop, I'm waiting v1.0.1, I'm already with a store with TB 1.0.0 in production, but my main store I only want to migrate to v1.0.1 ... And I'll start a revision in the translation, I noticed some Words still in english / portuguese portugal
  7. Which fields should I put the keywords, the tags we add in the products (below in the descriptions) are indexed by the search engines? Do the images have to be upped with the product name? Você quis dizer Existe alguma dica? algo que facilita a indexação dos produtos nos buscadores? Is there any tip? Something that facilitates the indexing of products in search engines?
  8. Anima

    Clear Demo Data

    I can not download it
  9. @devnix The resolution was this @Anima said in Error during installation!: @mdekker I built an environment in Debian 8.7, PHP 5.6, apache2, mariadb and ispconfig. Debian has never been my favorite distribution, for being always outdated, but after today it just turned out to be my favorite (for servers). @mdekker I did change that the PS forum recommended 30 => 60 /etc/apache2/php5/apache2/php.ini /etc/apache2/php5/cgi/php.ini /etc/apache2/php5/cli/php.ini /etc/apache2/php5/fmp/php.ini maxinputtime = 60 maxinputvars=9999 ( Only change here does not work) Memorylimit = 512M All uploads = 128MB zlibcomprezlib.outputcompression = On Can you recommend me better current settings? The ones I found are old.
  10. Solved, it worked well! Sorry for the confusion, it was a silly thing.
  11. @mdekker I built an environment in Debian 8.7, PHP 5.6, apache2, mariadb and ispconfig. HHVM, FAST-CGI, CGI, SuPHP, PHP-FPM, Mod-PHP, any of these do not work with prestashop / thirtybees? (Or works with bugs)
  12. Já estou com muita raiva desse ubuntu, acho que só é aceitável usar essa distribuição em desktop, vou voltar para Debian 8.6 super desatualizado, mas que não me dá dor de cabeça! sorry I am already very angry about this ubuntu, I think it is only acceptable to use this distribution on desktop, I will return to Debian 8.6 super outdated, but that does not give me a headache!
  13. I have not got it yet, I'm 3 days late to deliver this store.
  14. Okay I'll try now, send it all by ftp again it's sad hahahaha.
  15. @devnix @roband7 @mdekker I think that as permissions are ok, I am currently with the store still in prestashop, a site in wordpress, and I am installed prestashop 1.7 to verify if the same occurs, I think strange, since I have installed before with this same installer, if it is Any problem with the php configuration could you suggest something? No log errors
  16. @mdekker You need to test the installation, I'm not getting it, tried on other domains and another VPS, the same error occurs.
  17. I really do not know the reason for the error, it started http 500 error but it was after the problem with module. I'll send it all over again via ftp
  18. Calm, can be error in the environment of vps, I will analyze better
  19. first 1.0.0
  20. Error during installation All files were uploaded via FTP without errors
  21. I really need your help, the problem is not related to TB, but I can not get more than one store to work. I used apache 2.2 and everything worked perfectly, now I use ubuntu 16.04 and ISPConfig 3.1 with apache 2.4+ and this error is occurring: AH01630: client denied by server configuration What should I change and where for domains to run in parallel? As only one domain is running. Thank you all
  22. Anima

    Tradução PT-BR

    Sorry for the delay, passed beaten. I did not like it ... the one I was using is more translated. I think it has not updated, I will download the translation again.
  23. Anima

    Clear Demo Data

    Thank you very much
  24. Anima

    Clear Demo Data

    Hello I need to clear the demo data, I do not find the module that does this.
  25. Anima

    Tradução PT-BR

    @mdekker You can put the whole translation, it is already 100% This happened when I tried to install the new translation
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