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jmeca last won the day on July 23 2024

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  1. jmeca

    Polyfill Malware?

    Done, thank you very much for your help
  2. I have received several messages that Polyfill is installed on my site and that it has been recently considered as malware. I have tried to find where it is installed to deactivate it, but I have not found anything and I do not know what function it performs. Is there anyone who can help me to disable it? please.
  3. Hola, no me acuerdo de esto, pero creo que ya lo solucione, por que todo esta bien: https://expomueble.es/
  4. I have downloaded the latest version of prestashop and in the modules folder is the ps_googleanalytics module, you upload it to your modules folder via ftp and then install it and you would have it.
  5. the new google analitycs module for prestashop works on thirtybees and supports GA4, if you install it it works perfectly.
  6. Regenerate images, solucionate problem
  7. Any way to link to GA4?
  8. I recently upgraded to 1.5 and I can't figure out how to put the Company and product links in the footer as they have always been. The block links module only lets you put the left and right column.
  9. Hola, he actualizado a 1.5 y veo que no se pueden poner los links de empresa y productos como siempre en el Footer? o es que no doy con ello?
  10. Hello, without a doubt, what thirtybees needs is full compatibility with Google Merchant Center and Google Search Console and no indexing errors with Google, Bing and others. Eliminate those annoying search console errors and in the end you do not know if you are doing well or not.
  11. Hello, if you could help me, because I am in the same situation and I can not find any solution I have with the Niara theme and with other themes, I have deleted httacces and I have regenerated it again, I have deleted the cahes I do not know how many times, I have installed apache and I have uninstalled it, I have installed nginx and I have uninstalled it, I have reinstalled apache and I am still the same with the friendly url activated I do not see the images. Can you share your solution, please. Thank you. https://expomueble.info
  12. This multi-vendor function is very advanced. For the manufacturer's information there is a free module that can be used: https://catalogo-onlinersi.net/es/complementos/146-fabricante-adicional.html For the vendor function you can use the native vendor function of thirtybees which works well with the previous module. It only remains to be done or programmed so that the new supplier or seller only has access to his articles and orders and does not see the other sellers. And that only the superadmin has access to all orders and items. I do not know about programming, but I think it can be easier this way, even if it were a separate module at a reasonable price I would pay for it.
  13. For me the main function that is missing is the multivendor, the stores individually if you have it well positioned you will have work, but the newest is that the store/s are multivendor. The multistore/multidomain function is fine, but it should also be multivendor. And the stock for the multistore should be easier to update, because now it is quite complicated.
  14. In case anyone is interested, in the following link you can download the free module for Google tagmanager compatible with thirtybees I have installed it, I'm testing it and so far everything seems ok https://github.com/MSiliunas/Prestashop-GoogleTagManager/issues/1 Prestashop-GoogleTagManager-PS16.zip
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