By profession I'm more a server admin and embedded developer, so please bear with my ignorance. Nevertheless I currently have a PS 1.7 shop almost ready for production.
What I miss in pretty much any shop software is a safe way to handle maintenance. A way to deal with upgrades, patches, code improvements, without interrupting services to the customer. It looks much like every merchant just tweaks the running shop and hopes the best s/he makes no mistake. No strategy other than quickly reverting wrongdoings or, if things go really wrong, take the shop down to recover from a backup. 30B's stated goal is even to allow code editing from backoffice, surgery on the open, beating heart!
As server admin I've learned that one shouldn't do such things unless one doesn't care about customer experience or enjoys to live on the dangerous side. The safe way is to do maintenance offline. On the public web server in a separate installation or on a local installation on the developer's machine. Then to test, test, test. Only after tests were satisfying, development code is synchronized with the public server. This is safe and comes with a minimum of downtime, which means a minimum of customer disruption.
However, and this is the reason of this post, this requires a way to clone or synchronize a shop. Rsync shop-here to shop-there with the confidence that the copy works the same way as the origin.
AFAIK, PrestaShop doesn't allow such a strategy. Server name is stored in the database, so one has to tweak that manually after an upload. Even installation location on the server is stored somewhere, one can't move a shop from one folder to another without breaking it. Wether a module is present or not isn't determined by looking at files, but by looking at some DB entry, making things inconsistent when one just removes or adds module files.
Are there ThirtyBees plans to improve this situation? For PS I made a couple of patches which resolve most issues for monoshops (multishops are more complex). Are such improvements welcome? What do others think?