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Everything posted by jnsgioia

  1. @alwayspaws Firefox's inspector has come in handy more than once :)
  2. Well, I know php and html and am very familiar with databases. It is the hooks and modules that I am having to figure out. :|
  3. @alwayspaws No, I am new to prestashop. And for my other sites I just built them by majorly modifying a free template.
  4. @alwayspaws No, I guess he wouldn't then. But how can you test it on his site to see if it would work with tb?
  5. @alwayspaws A lot of developers give you a money back guarantee if it doesn't work within the first month or two.
  6. I would, just do it all on your test site and then if you like it there you can move the whole shebang to your live domain. btw Siteground's backup function is a life saver :)
  7. @alwayspaws I wouldn't test on a live site though.
  8. @alwayspaws Upload the new theme to your test site and see if it works. If you don't like it you can uninstall it and go back to the default theme.
  9. @Havouza The index.php?... is what the url is when it is unfriendly, so I guess some are not getting made friendly. I googled and found this thread on opencart https://forum.opencart.com/viewtopic.php?f=190&t=168834 I don't know if it would help or not. Perhaps the & is messing things up somehow.
  10. @Havouza Remebering from ps 1.7 uploads you need to check for # and ; in your titles as well. I had to remove all three before it would work correctly.
  11. @Havouza I think if you fix it with a csv import the urls will be rewritten automatically.
  12. @Havouza I think it is save of the product. Are you needing to mass update all your urls or just as you change the product?
  13. If you go to Preferences - Products there is a button to force update of friendly urls on every save.
  14. At the top of the preferences - Geolocation page there is is this message: In order to use Geolocation, please download this file and extract it (using Winrar or Gzip) into the /tools/geoip/ directory. However there is no geoip directory in tools. There is one in vendor. And that has another file in it named geoip. Please see the screenshot below. Should I put the Geolitecity.dat in the first one, the second one or create a file geoip in tools?
  15. I think that is basically the same as libreoffice Calc which I do use. Access is comparable to Base but has a lot more ooph and is a lot more complicated :|
  16. @alwayspaws It may be a cookie thing. I have my browser set to clear all history everytime it closes.
  17. I haven't heard of that one. I tried the db application in libreoffice and looked at filemaker, neither worked for me. I guess I am just used to Access.
  18. I export out of Microsoft Access. If I need to work with a spreadsheet I use libreoffice Calc. I don't mind having to change the default but it would be nice if we could set the selection and it would remember it.
  19. I have tried other databases but none will do what I need it to do. Access is the only MS application I use though :)
  20. @mdekker I honestly don't remember what the problem was when I first set up the file. I think it had to do with ps breaking fields where it shouldn't because of ; or , in my descriptions. I had to find separators which I did not use anywhere in the file, except as separators.
  21. It was a problem with the original install. I have no idea what the problem was, SiteGround could not determine the problem either. I created a new testsite exactly the same way as I did the first and everything is working as it should. I am back to square one as far as design but at least the foundation is secure :).
  22. It was a problem with the original install. I created a clean TB testshop and everything works! Now I have to customize it for LJsBooks!
  23. Ok it looks like I must have a write permission problem. The new theme is not on the server anywhere. I looked and all folders are set to 755 and files to 644. Do I need to do a clean TB testshop or is there some way I can fix what I have? I must have done something wrong with the initial install.
  24. I uploaded theme 3 (not quick install) through the back office. It said it successfully uploaded, but it doesn't show anywhere. What I am doing wrong or is it a bug?
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