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Posts posted by jnsgioia

  1. Now I am wondering if it is a problem with Thirty Bees. I re-enabled the module on the Prestashop site (I had disabled it because it broke the css of the custom theme). The Amazon Login button was not on the nav bar, but that was a template choice, but it was on the sign in page. I signed in using our buyer account on Amazon which has no connection to Amazon Pay and everything worked as it should. So I thought maybe the problem was because both modules were on the same domain and completely uninsstalled it from LJsBooks.com, leaving it on LJsBooks.com/Store. I cleared all caches and tried it again on the TB site and it failed. The weird thing is it is failing but does not leave an error message in any folder. I think the 503 message above was from trying to access the ipn page from somewhere other than Amazon. Ipn requests from Amazon are getting through. It seems to fail at the point where TB needs to put the information into the database. Any ideas?

  2. @alwayspaws I haven't imported any combinations but do use attributes. When I first set up the product import file I found I needed to avoid both commas and semicolons so used | for the field separator and ~ for the multiple value separator. This was for the PrestaShop 1.7 store but it has been working on the TB one too. You need to make sure you change the separator values on the import page to match your csv file.

  3. Well, first Amazon said it was a SSL problem. It wasn't, Amazon's ipn checker was returning a incorrect response. Then they said it was a redirection problem, but we got that sorted out and nothing was fixed. I explained to Amazon that the payment part works, just not the login and they are checking on that from their end. Meanwhile SiteGround was able to see an error message that didn't show up on any of my logs. It was a 503 Error with message - header does not contain x-amz-sns-message-type header. I contacted patworx with that information and they are looking into it. I don't think it is a TB specific issue because I have the same problem on the prestashop site. But I have two different versions of the Amazon module, one for 1.7 and the other for 1.6. I disabled it on both sites for the time being. It is the free Payments Advanced by patworx.

  4. I had to use the cart I had on LJsBooks.com for another site, long story, so needed something quickly that looked good. I've been building websites for years but didn't know anything about hooks and modules, just html and php :)

  5. @alwayspaws I am using the default theme right now. I have a purchased custom theme on the live site but it is a prestashop 1.7 one and has some issues that the developers have not been able to resolve, probably because it is 1.7 :). You can see the test site at LJsBooks.com/Store

  6. I have the info on the new site. I just don't want to have to change it on the old one. Also we are majorly purging inventory and I would have to disable a bunch of categories in the old site (they are already disabled in the new one and I have a system in place to enable them as I need them).

  7. @alwayspaws It is coming along. I am hoping to have it live by the middle of next month at the latest. We are moving from Wyoming to Arizona and I would like to have the new site ready when we get down there. That way I won't have to change all the address and tax information twice.

  8. @alwayspaws Well, I am embarassed. I double checked and the main folder for the site was configured at 7.0, but the subfolder for the test site was configured at 5.6. I assumed that when I upgraded the main folder it would upgrade all the subfolders, but you know what happens when you assume!

  9. That would be my guess :)

    I have an enquiry in to the developer, but I have my doubts about hearing anything.

    I think I will put a request in the wanted features for an amazon module.

    I had it installed on my prestashop site but it kept breaking the css of my custom theme. The prestashop site is 1.7 which is why I am here :)

  10. I have to put this here because I don't have a new topic button for the technical help or the compatability help section.

    I am trying to set up a prestashop Amazon Payments module by Patworx. After much back and forth with SiteGround and Amazon we have determined the problem is related to this error:

    Error with message - header does not contain x-amz-sns-message-type header

    It looks to me like that is a problem with the module, but I want to make sure it is not aTB bug.

    Thank you for any insights.

  11. @alwayspaws Me too, the pay part of the Amazon connection works but not the login part. Amazon's ipn checker shows sgcpanel.com as the cn on the certificate, but they said that may be a false return. SiteGround said that the ipn link is redirecting for some unknown reason to the http address and are trying to fix that.

  12. @alwayspaws Thanks, they are troubleshooting mine now so we will see if they come up with the same solution :) They also are trying to fix the Amazon SSL problem, actually both Siteground and Amazon are working on it, they are both taking responsibility now. I'm hoping it isn't just a buggy Prestashop module.

  13. I will try that, thank you. I am in the midst of trying to figure out a SSL and Amazon issue, SiteGround says it is an Amazon problem, Amazon says it is a hosting problem. Once I get that fixed I will bother SiteGround about ImageMagick I don't want to confuse them :)

  14. The chat line on SiteGround says that ImageMagick is installed by default on all their servers and you just need the note in the php.ini file. I checked and the php.ini file has it and it doesn't work so I will escalate the problem to their higher up techs.

  15. Hi all, I downloaded and installed the piwik module. Now I would like to move it in the back office up to the dashboard at the top. How do I do that? Thank you for your help :)

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