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Posts posted by jnsgioia

  1. @alwayspaws Did you go to live chat or to the ticket place? I found the ticket worked alot better than live chat. Also did you tell them you were quoting the developer? When I told them that they changed the version on my account.

  2. @mdekker I got that fixed. But I have another question.

    I currently have two categories with one post in each. If I click the link to the category shouldn't it go to a page with just the post in that category?

    Right now it returns a page with both posts. https://ljsbooks.com/blog/category/news and https://ljsbooks.com/blog/category/literary-history-quotes return the same page except the breadcrumbs are different.

  3. @alwayspaws I opened a ticket explaining the problem and included roband7's response. Within a very short time I had a response and after a little clarification a solution. If the module does not install for you, you need to make sure (or have them make sure) that the php.ini file includes zend_extension=/usr/local/php71/lib/php/extensions/imagick.so not just extension=/imagick.so

  4. @mdekker I did not change anything in the template. I copied it to my computer and changed it there, but copied the original to the theme/module/.... file to make sure everything was working before uploading the modified tpl. When I got the 500 error I did not upload the modified tpl and deleted the copied one from the theme/module/... file.

  5. @mdekker Well, when I copied the file I got a 500 server error. I did clear all caches including the opcache.

    On another note, in comparing the tpls for the post and the postlistitem they both use the H4 style for the class="title_block" and on the postlistitem page it works fine, but it does not on the post page.

  6. I found another issue. If you click on a category link from the category widget it takes you to a blank page. If you click on the category link on the blog page it takes you to the main page with all the posts except the breadcrumbs have the title of the category instead of the title of the blog. The link in the widget looks like this: https://ljsbooks.com/blog/literary-history-quotes. The link on the main page looks like this: https://ljsbooks.com/blog/category/literary-history-quotes.

  7. @alwayspaws Actually, I don't think he fixed anything. It still doesn't work. I think he just made sure the extension was enabled for the account and changed the php version from 7.0 to 7.1. I haven't had the time to go back to Siteground support. I think I will open a ticket instead of talking to their chat support.

  8. The blog page css seems to have a bug. The spacing is incorrect.


    It does not have the correct padding. Where do I go to fix this? Other pages are all ok, it is just this one.

    I reset the blog module and started again from scratch but the blog page is the same. Thank you.

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