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Posts posted by jnsgioia

  1. @mdekker I guess it was a pretty convoluted question, I was tired last night :( .

    The thing that threw me off was the image of the shop settings in the blog. It has "do not sync" under list and that is what mine looked like. It wasn't until I saw tomik's screen shot in the other post that I realized that what I had was not right. Because I didn't see any way to create the list in the module I went to mailchimp to do it. I guess if you have been using mailchimp and have a list already there it wouldn't be an issue as it would show up as soon as you put in your api key.

  2. I figured it out. You have to create the subscriber list on mailchimp first. I thought that the module would create the list automatically. Once you have the subscriber list created on mailchimp and have synced that then the products, carts and order lists are automatically created and can be exported.

  3. I installed the module and added the api key. It now says the module is synced on the shop tab. However there are no products to sync on the products tab and it has N/A under the Sync remaining products, Sync all products, and reset headings. It is the same for the carts and orders. How can I get mailchimp to talk to the db? Thank you.

  4. @alwayspaws No resolution yet. I have just been marking the books as available after upload. I looked at the file before upload and it hasn't changed and looks fine, but I haven't had time to check the file that converts the information to the database.

  5. I updated to 1.01 and everything seems to have worked fine except when I did an upload of new product. The upload completed with no errors but every product was disabled instead of enabled. My file was unchaged in format from 1.00. What do I need to change to fix this? Thank you.

  6. Would it be possible to tweak the layered navigation module so that it could be used as an avanced search? Or is there an advanced search module out there that I could use? We sell used, rare and out-of-print books and our customers are accustomed to searching by author, publisher, and other bibliographic terms. I have added these as features but the drop down list gets a bit unwieldly when you have over 1000 different books. The quick search works, but returns too many items for people who are used to putting the author in a field and the title in a field etc.

  7. @alwayspaws I used the free Amazon Pay module https://addons.prestashop.com/en/payment-card-wallet/21293-amzpayments.html (Payments Advanced by Patworx.de.) I installed the module as usual then signed into the merchant area of the link you posted and set up the Amazon side of it. Once I had the client ids and all I filled out the information in the back office of the module.

    I determined that the problem I was having was that the module stored some of the customer information in the database in Amazon fields as well as the regular customer fields. When I deleted test customers from the back office it did not delete the information from the Amazon fields and when I tried to use the same email and all again as another test it didn't work but didn't give an error either. When I deleted the information out of the Amazon fields everything was fine.

  8. I keep getting this error:

    Required parameters: Please fix the following error(s)

    Some thirty bees files are missing from your server.

    I put it back in but it keeps getting deleted when a change is made and cache is cleaned. What do I need to do to fix this?

    Thank you

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