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Community Theme - Bad Configurationfile



I was Migrating another Shop from PS 1.6.x to TBS 1.0.1 and Updated to 1.0.3

The Problem is, that the Community Default Theme doesnt load because it says "Bad Configurationfile"

I tried to upload the Folder directly. I renamed "config.xml" to "Config.xml" I added the Template into the BO as ZIP.

but nothing will work. Am i missing somethine here?

...I was using the newest Community Default Template...

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Backup your database. Goto BO then Preferences->Themes and delete the community-theme-default theme. Then FTP the community-theme-default theme to your site. Then in the BO goto Preferences->Themes again, and hit Add new theme on the top right. Goto the bottom and hit Create a new theme. In Name of the theme, and, Name of the theme's directory , put community-theme-default, click yes for responsive. For Default right and left columns, put whatever you want. In Number of products per page, put 9, or whatever you like. Hit save. Then Select the theme. I think this will work....

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