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hint in newsletter block for revoke at any time.... (GDPR)


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Hello, also by the new GDPR / DSGVO it is "highly recommended" that there is a notice at the newsletter block to indicate that people can revoke the subscription of the newsletter at any time.

How do I get such a hint near the newsletter block? e.g. something like this:

The consent can be revoked at any time in the customer account or by unsubscribe link in the newsletter.

Please see also the picture. Can a developer do some changes in the newsletter module to arrange this? I think a lot of people will need this in the next weeks and will spend $5 for such a small change in the module - and maybe this can help TB with the income :)

Thank you ! 0_1522940269853_newsletter_consent.jpg

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Yes i can include this easily in the blocknewsletter.tpl after the

and before the {hook h="displayBlockNewsletterBottom" from='blocknewsletter'}

but the icon is very small and i am not sure if it is legal to manage this with an hint icon ?! The 2nd problem is to translate this into my other language (i have english and german). And a 3rd problem: this solution does not work at mobile´s like tablet or smartphone (no mouse-over...)

thank you

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  • 1 month later...

Here is my solution: i have added in /theme/modules/blocknewsletter/blocknewsletter.tpl

this here (place it where you like): {l s='here is my text. its a wonderful day. ' mod='blocknewsletter'}

Works with my Theme. And you can translate this (if you have more languages) in the translations for modules - great :)

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