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Paypal -login feature?- cookies on Chrome (but not on Firefox)


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Hello everybody,

I've noticed my site installs two PayPal cookies in Chrome, but not in Firefox. I have enabled the PayPal module, but not login with PayPal feature. I've even changed the API do unselect the login with PayPal option, but cookies are still installed when visiting my site. As my business is under EU laws, I need to seek consent to install those third party cookies. A simple banner warning is not enough: the law explicitly requires to block the installation of not strictly necessary cookies until the user gives consent to do so by clicking a button (no more tacit consent through navigation or other actions which are not explicitly accepting the installation of cookies). I guess these PayPal cookies are only used to login to the site with PayPal, not to make payments, as any cookie used to login to PayPal should be installed when the payment process through PayPal begins, not before having clicked any button to use this payment method.

The cookies installed in Chrome (but not in Firefox) are AKDC and akavpau_ppsd.

Is there any way, if they are not related to the payment process, to stop having them installed? I don't want to install doomsday banner warnings that are just annoying for visitors, this is why I only use the strictly necessary cookie thirtybees-blahblahblah, which does not require previous consent from the visitor to be installed according to the EU laws.

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No, Firefox does not block the cookies. It was the first I checked. Nevertheless what I need to know is if it is possible to disable those PayPal cookies if they are related to the login with PayPal function, as I don't use it in the website.

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One thing you might try is to disable the module on all pages except the payment page. You can do that in the modules -> position, look for where the module hooks in the header. The click edit, and disable it on all pages except payment related pages.

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