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Theme: would this be possible ?


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Hi, I came across a html commerce template (https://themeforest.net/item/porto-ecommerce-shop-template/22685562?s_rank=1) with several design elements I like . I was wondering if the following is possible: 1) use the standard TB theme as a basis. 2) buy the html template 3) have serveral elements of the html template converted the a TB template, such as homepage: https://portotheme.com/html/porto/demo-13/# productpage: https://portotheme.com/html/porto/demo-5/product-sticky-tab.html and categorypage: https://portotheme.com/html/porto/demo-5/category-horizontal-filter1.html 4) replace the 'default' product en category templates with the newly created ones

Would this be possible ?


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