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Can I get blockbanner to open a picture in fancybox on every page?



I'm already using fancybox to display pictures in a CMS gallery page, which I accomplished by putting this javascript into 'Custom Code' in the back office:

$(document).ready(function() { $("a.fancybox").fancybox(); });

So for the banner link I thought, 'Great, I probably just need to edit blockbanner.tpl to append class="fancybox" to the URL.' But nothing is ever that straightforward, is it? It actually works on CMS and product pages, but not on the home, category or search pages. I've tried putting that js directly into the global.js file and the index.js file but it doesn't work. Any ideas what, if anything, I can do to fix this?

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Investigating further I remembered I'd also had to insert these two lines…

$this->addCSS(_PS_CSS_DIR_.'jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css', 'screen'); $this->addJqueryPlugin('fancybox'); …at the bottom of the setMedia function in CMSController.php so I guess that's why it's working on CMS pages. Is there somewhere I could put this code – or something similar – so that fancybox will work wherever it's called from?

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