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Upgrade problem


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I upgraded my shop from 1.04 to 1.08.

Now when in the backoffice I want to look at an individual order I get halfway the page an error: Fatal error: requireonce(): Failed opening required '/home/xxxxxx/publichtml/modules//vatnumber/VATNumberTaxManager.php' (includepath='/home/xxxxxx/publichtml/vendor/pear/archivetar:/home/xxxxxx/publichtml/vendor/pear/consolegetopt:/home/xxxxxx/publichtml/vendor/pear/pear-core-minimal/src:/home/xxxxxx/publichtml/vendor/pear/pearexception:.:/usr/share/php') in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/classes/Product.php on line 668

The orders overview page works ok. But when you want to edit an individual order you get a page that looks like the css hasn't loaded. When you scroll down you see the error message that you see above.

One suspect thing are the two slashes between "modules" and "vatnumber". On closer inspection this isn't a problem. There are four files where erroneously a slash is used after the PSMODULEDIR constant. But things still work.

The real problem is that the vatnumber module wasn't installed yet it was required. After I installed the module the problem was solved. In my opinion it is a mistake to make this a module when it is called from core files like product.php.

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It looks like your database considers module vatnumber to be installed, while it's actually not present on disk. This require_once() gets executed only if the module is installed.

To solve this misalignment, install the module, then uninstall and optionally delete it. This should also solve the error message.

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I believe it to be a very big mistake to make core files dependent on modules.

It isn't designed to be dependent. It tests whether the module is installed and if it isn't, code should work just fine (not requiring this missing file).

Even better would be a hook. Comments in the code already indicate a need for such an enhancement.

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