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Sorry for the basic question,  but I'm struggling to find the answer.

Is there any way to bulk update product prices in TB ?
Or any modules that will allow this ?


No - prestools.com takes me to prestashop.com forums.

Then when I click on the link it says - This attachment is not available. It may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it to this location.


You would have seen more options if you had gone to the homepage of Prestools.com... And there is also a post with download here on the TB forum. 

The problem that you encountered is that Prestashop no longer allows people to download things when they are not logged in. They are continuously changing things on their forum. Quite annoying....


@bennetm3 other example

import via csv-file.

edit with excel or openoffice etc and then import. it is not like prestashop that 10 fields are mandatory. the article number and, for example, the price as desired field import.



I do have many scripts home-made to synch datas of presta 1.6 and thirtybees for prices, stocks, availablity..etc

The principle is simple : someone put a file each day, sometimes each hour, on a ftp directory on the same server (easyier) or another server And that file is treated by the script wich changes datas in the mysql database, and that is started by crontask or pointing to the file in a webbrowser for debug purpose.

If you want i can give you basic structure about it.. but you need to understand what to change to make it works on your side.

I wish I have time to build a dedicated module for that, it could be usefull for many of us.



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