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Display different content according to language?



Hey guys,

I am wondering if it is possible to force content depending on language.  Let me explain:

My shop is in two languages, English and French.  With the CMS pages, I am able to have one type of content in English and totally different content in French.

However, the blog module I use forces the English on both - it actually expects me to translate the English to French.  It is not actually relevant - I have thousands of posts that would require translations - and what is needed in French is not the same as what is needed in English.  I toyed with the idea of using multistore in order to control the content but it is a lot of troubles just for that, plus it actually puts me in breach of the law: If people land on the English site but want French, they need to be able to switch.  If I make one version of the site in English and one in French, I am in breach...  

Since it works with the CMS page, I was wondering what type of modifications I could make to the blog so that it only shows English posts when lang=1 and French posts when lang=2.

Any insights are appreciated.

Edited by movieseals
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