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Update to 1.1.0 with Panda theme Wishlist error



I try to update our site to 1.1.0 but get some common error but cant find how to solve it. I get a 500 message with the following error log:

Decoded exception

Class 'BlockWishListModule\WishList' not found

in file modules/stthemeeditor/stthemeeditor.php at line 10839

Source file: modules/stthemeeditor/stthemeeditor.php

10820:                <a id="'.$id.'" href="javascript:;" class="btn btn-default st_delete_image"><i class="icon-trash"></i> Delete</a>
10821:			</p>
10822:            ';
10823:        return $html;    
10824:    }
10826:    public function hookDisplayRightBar($params)
10827:    {
10828:        if(Configuration::get('STSN_SCROLL_TO_TOP'))
10829:            return $this->display(__FILE__, 'to_top.tpl');
10830:        else
10831:            return false;
10832:    }
10833:    public function hookDisplaySideBarRight($params)
10834:    {
10835:        if ($this->context->customer->isLogged() && Module::isInstalled('blockwishlist') && Module::isEnabled('blockwishlist'))
10836:        {
10837:            if (!class_exists('Wishlist'))
10838:                require_once(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'blockwishlist/classes/WishList.php');
10839:            $wishlists = WishList::getByIdCustomer($this->context->customer->id);
10840:            if(is_array($wishlists) && count($wishlists)>1)
10841:            {
10842:                $this->context->smarty->assign(
10843:                    array(
10844:                        'wishlists' => $wishlists,
10845:                    )
10846:                );
10847:            }
10848:        }
10849:        return $this->display(__FILE__, 'side_bar_right.tpl');

Stack trace

1. classes/Hook.php:761 source StThemeEditor->hookDisplaySideBarRight(arguments)
2. classes/Hook.php:469 source HookCore::coreCallHook(arguments)
3. classes/Hook.php:288 source HookCore::execWithoutCache(arguments)
4. override/classes/controller/FrontController.php:19 source HookCore::exec(arguments)
5. controllers/front/IndexController.php:53 source FrontController->initContent()
6. override/controllers/front/IndexController.php:10 source IndexControllerCore->initContent()
7. classes/controller/Controller.php:208 source IndexController->initContent()
8. classes/controller/FrontController.php:253 source ControllerCore->run()
9. classes/Dispatcher.php:837 source FrontControllerCore->run()
10. ./index.php:33 source DispatcherCore->dispatch()

Does some have an idea how to get this solved?

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