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Sendcloud carrier module cannot be installed


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I try to implement Sendcloud into my webshop, but i get the following error when trying to upload this module(prestashop).

There was an error while extracting the module. The destination folder is not writable.

It should be great if i could implement it, any ideas what to do?

This is the link to addon store, its a free module which works on prestashop very well: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/shipping-carriers/24482-sendcloud-europe-s-number-1-shipping-tool.html

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You obviously want to make this folder writable. It's modules/, it should have read, write and execute privileges for the webserver process.

Perhaps the easiest way to find out is to compare ownership and privileges with folder log/. If there are files starting with a number inside log/, log/ has the privileges modules/ should have, too.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have installed the sendcloud module but in my sendcloud account i cant see the orders to be labeled and shipped. Maybe this file has to be modified?

/** * SendCloud | Smart Shipping Service * * PHP version 5 * * @author SendCloud Global B.V. contact@sendcloud.eu * @copyright 2016 SendCloud Global B.V. * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * @category Shipping * @package Sendcloud * @link https://sendcloud.eu */

// Autoload required, ignoring PSR-1 2.3 require_once dirname(FILE) . '/includes/autoload.php';

/** * Main SendCloud Shipping module class. * * It coordinates the module screens, installation, updgrades, activation and * deactivation of the Module. * * @author SendCloud Global B.V. contact@sendcloud.eu * @copyright 2016 SendCloud Global B.V. * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * @category Shipping * @package Sendcloud * @link https://sendcloud.eu */ class Sendcloud extends CarrierModule { /** * Translatable messages used by the module. We now keep all translatable * string in the module for simplicity. Since controllers has access to the * module instance, it's easier to manage translations that way. * * We also centralize all warnings reported by validator.prestashop.com regarding * long lines into a single file instead of spreading all over the module files. * * @var array */ private $messages;

 * @var SendcloudConnector
public $connector;

 * Set the initial data
public function __construct()
    $this->boostrap = true;
    $this->name = 'sendcloud';
    $this->tab = 'shipping_logistics';
    $this->version = '1.1.1';
    $this->author = 'SendCloud Global B.V.';
    $this->author_uri = 'https://sendcloud.eu';
    $this->need_instance = false;
    $this->ps_versions_compliancy = array('min' => '1.5','max'=> '1.7');
    $this->module_key = 'ee5ffe2f68aefd272e994aa5a26e6224';


    $this->displayName = $this->l('SendCloud | Europe\'s Number 1 Shipping Tool', $this->name);

     * Using line breaks makes translations to _not_ work properly. We centralize most translatable strings here
     * to avoid spreading them in the module and to ease code review and limit usage of the coding standards
     * ignore comment below.
    // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart
    $this->messages = array(
        'admin' => $this->l('Administration', $this->name),
        'already_connected' => $this->l('You already have connected with SendCloud before. You may connect again to update your Integration.', $this->name),
        'api_key' => $this->l('SendCloud API Key', $this->name),
        'cant_connect' => $this->l('You must configure a URL for this Shop before connecting with SendCloud.', $this->name),
        'connection_done' => $this->l('Your connection is almost done. Redirecting to the SendCloud Panel.', $this->name),
        'missing_api_key' => $this->l('Missing API key. Unable to connect with SendCloud.', $this->name),
        'no_service_point' => $this->l('No service point data found.', $this->name),
        'service_point_details' => $this->l('Service Point Details', $this->name),
        'smart_shipping' => $this->l('Smart shipping service for your online store. Save time and shipping costs.', $this->name),
        'unable_to_parse' => $this->l('Unable to parse service point data.', $this->name),
        'warning_carrier_deleted' => $this->l('Service Point Delivery carrier is not active. Activate the Carrier before using this feature.', $this->name),
        'warning_carrier_disabled_for_shop' => $this->l('The Service Point Delivery carrier is not enabled for the current active Shop.', $this->name),
        'warning_carrier_inactive' => $this->l('Service Point Delivery carrier is not active. Activate the Carrier before using this feature.', $this->name),
        'warning_carrier_not_found' => $this->l('Service Points were enabled but are not configured properly. Activate Service Points from the SendCloud Panel before using this feature.', $this->name),
        'warning_carrier_restricted' => $this->l('There are no Payment Methods associated with the Service Point Delivery carrier. Customers will not be able to select it during checkout', $this->name),
        'warning_carrier_zones' => $this->l('You must enable at least one shipping location for the Service Point Delivery carrier before using this feature.', $this->name),
        'warning_no_configuration' => $this->l('Service Points are not enabled. Please enable them on your SendCloud Panel before using this feature.', $this->name),
        'warning_no_connection' => $this->l('You must connect with SendCloud before using this feature.', $this->name),

    $this->description = $this->l('SendCloud helps to grow your online store by optimizing the shipping process. Shipping packages have never been that easy!', $this->name);
    $this->confirmUninstall = $this->l('After uninstalling you will not be able to see your orders in the SendCloud Panel. Are you sure?', $this->name);
    // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd

    // Set the warnings in the Module listing page in the Back Office.
    $this->connector = new SendcloudConnector($this->name);

public function getMessage($identifier)
    if (!isset($this->messages[$identifier])) {
        // Explicitly forbid someone to retrieve e non-defiend message
        throw new PrestaShopException('Message identifier not found.');
    return $this->messages[$identifier];

 * Install this module
 * @return boolean
public function install()
    return parent::install() &&
        $this->installSQL() &&
        $this->installTab() &&
        $this->registerHook('actionCarrierProcess') &&
        $this->registerHook('actionObjectAddAfter') &&
        $this->registerHook('actionObjectDeleteAfter') &&
        $this->registerHook('actionEmailAddAfterContent') &&
        $this->registerHook('displayAdminOrderContentShip') &&
        $this->registerHook('displayAdminOrderTabShip') &&
        $this->registerHook('displayAdminOrder') &&
        $this->registerHook('displayHeader') &&
        $this->registerHook('displayBackOfficeHeader') &&
        $this->registerHook('displayOrderConfirmation') &&
        $this->registerHook('displayOrderDetail') &&
        $this->registerHook('displayPDFDeliverySlip') &&
        // Pre 1.7 Hooks
        $this->registerHook('updateCarrier') &&
        $this->registerHook('displayCarrierList') &&
        // PrestaShop 1.7+ only hooks
        $this->registerHook('actionCarrierUpdate') &&
        $this->registerHook('displayCarrierExtraContent') &&

 * Uninstall this module.
 * @return boolean
public function uninstall()
        $this->connector->disconnect() &&
        $this->uninstallSQL() &&
        $this->uninstallTab() &&

 * Hook after a new entity is added.
 * @param  array parameters received by the hook, contain the target ` $object`.
 * @return null
public function hookActionObjectAddAfter(array $params)
    $object = isset($params['object']) ? $params['object'] : null;
    $shop = $this->context->shop;
    try {
        $this->connector->activateServicePoints($shop, $object);
    } catch (SendcloudServicePointException $e) {
        $webservice = WebserviceRequest::getInstance();
        $webservice->errors[] = array(
            $this->l('Unable to activate service points. Please try again', $this->name)

 * Deactivate service points feature entirely.
 * @param  array $params
 * @return void
public function hookActionObjectDeleteAfter(array $params)
    $object = isset($params['object']) ? $params['object'] : null;
    $shop = $this->context->shop;
    try {
        $this->connector->deactivateServicePoints($shop, $object);
    } catch (SendcloudServicePointException $e) {
        $webservice = WebserviceRequest::getInstance();
        // Line too long but PS translation tool doesn't recognise it when splitted
        // on multiple lines.
        $webservice->errors[] = $this->l('Unable to deactivate service points completely.', $this->name);

 * Track changes in the installed service point carrier (pre 1.7).
 * @param array $params hook parameters containing the new carrier
public function hookUpdateCarrier(array $params)
    if (Tools::version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=')) {


 * Track changes in the installed service point carrier (post 1.7)
 * * @param array $params hook parameters containing the new carrier.
public function hookActionCarrierUpdate(array $params)
    if (Tools::version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '<')) {
    $carrier = isset($params['carrier']) ? $params['carrier'] :
        // Look for the old parameter as well.
        isset($params['new_carrier']) ? $params['new_carrier'] : null;

 * Display the service point selection button.
 * @param array $params
public function hookDisplayCarrierList(array $params)
    if (Tools::version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=')) {
        return '';
    return $this->displayServicePointButton($params);

 * Display the service point button for PrestaShop 1.7+
 * @since 1.1.0
 * @param array $params
 * @return string
public function hookDisplayCarrierExtraContent(array $params)
    return $this->displayServicePointButton($params);

 * Return the markup for the service point selection button.
 * @since 1.1.0
 * @param array $params
 * @return string
private function displayServicePointButton(array $params)
    $cart = isset($params['cart']) ? $params['cart'] : null;

    if (!$cart || !$cart->id_address_delivery || !$this->servicePointsAvailable()) {
        return '';

    $carrier = $this->connector->getOrSynchroniseCarrier();
    $address = new Address($cart->id_address_delivery);
    $country = new Country($address->id_country);

    $point = SendcloudServicePoint::getFromCart($cart->id);

    $link = $this->context->link;
        'prestashop_flavor' => SendcloudTools::getPSFlavor(),
        'carrier' => $carrier,
        'cart' => $cart,
        'to_country' => $country->iso_code,
        'to_postal_code' => $address->postcode,
        'language' => $this->context->language->language_code,
        'service_point_details' => $point->details,
        'save_endpoint' => $link->getModuleLink($this->name, 'ServicePointSelection')

    return $this->display(

 * Inject the required front office assets (CSS and JavaScript) to enable
 * make the service point selection work in the checkout page.
 * @param  array $params
 * @return string Additional header HTML to be added in the front office.
public function hookDisplayHeader($params)
    $cart = isset($params['cart']) ? $params['cart'] : null;
    $controller = isset($this->context->controller) ?
        $this->context->controller : null;

    $allowed_controllers = array(

    $is_allowed = !is_null($controller) &&
        in_array(get_class($controller), $allowed_controllers);

    if (!$is_allowed || !$cart) {
        // Load assets just in the order-related controllers.
        return '';

    if (!$this->servicePointsAvailable()) {
        return '';

    $script = $this->connector->getServicePointScript();

    if (Tools::version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=')) {
            'modules/' . $this->name . '/views/css/front.css',
            array('media' => 'screen')

            array('server' => 'remote')
    } else {
        $controller->addCSS($this->_path . '/views/css/front.css');
        $controller->addJS($script, false);

public function hookDisplayBackOfficeHeader(array $params)
    $allowed_controllers = array(
    $controller = get_class($this->context->controller);

    if (!in_array($controller, $allowed_controllers)) {

    $backoffice_css = Tools::toUnderscoreCase($controller);
    $this->context->controller->addCSS($this->_path. "views/css/backoffice/{$backoffice_css}.css");

 * With a multi-step checkout the process carrier hook is called. It saves
 * the service point details in the database (or skip it if service points
 * were not enabled at all).
 * With OPC style checkout, the only option is to save through
 * `SendcloudShippingServicePointSelectionModuleFrontController`
 * We keep this as a fall back to the service point selection controller
 * for multi-step checkouts as a last resource to save the service point
 * information.
 * @param  array $params
 * @return bool `true` if service point info was saved/skipped correctly.
 * @see    SendcloudShippingServicePointSelectionModuleFrontController
public function hookActionCarrierProcess(array $params)
    $cart = isset($params['cart']) ? $params['cart'] : null;
    if (!$cart || !$this->servicePointsAvailable()) {
        return false;

    $carrier = $this->connector->getOrSynchroniseCarrier();

    if ($cart->id_carrier != $carrier->id) {
        // A user may not enable service points at all may
        // selected another carrier.
        return true;

    $details = Tools::getValue('sendcloudshipping_service_point');
    if ($details && !$this->saveServicePoint($cart, urldecode($details))) {
        // Line too long but PS translation tool doesn't recognise it when splitted
        // on multiple lines.
        $this->context->controller->errors[] = $this->l('Unable to save service point information.', $this->name);
    return true;

 * Check all the requirements to make service points available in the Frontoffice.
 * - Shop *must* have a connection with SendCloud
 * - There's a Service Point script configuration
 * - Service Point carrier exists and it's correclty configured
 * - The Shop has a relation with the carrier (when using Multistore the admin may
 *   disable the carrier for certain shops.)
 * @return bool `true` if every requirement is met.
public function servicePointsAvailable()
    if (!$this->connector->isConnected()) {
        return false;

    $config = $this->connector->getServicePointScript();

    if (!$config) {
        return false;

    $carrier = $this->connector->getOrSynchroniseCarrier();
    if (!$carrier || !$carrier->active || $carrier->deleted) {
        return false;
    $carrier_shops = $carrier->getAssociatedShops();
    $shop = Context::getContext()->shop;

    if (!in_array($shop->id, $carrier_shops)) {
        return false;

    $shipping_zones = $carrier->getZones();
    if (empty($shipping_zones)) {
        return false;

    if ($this->connector->isRestricted($carrier, $shop)) {
        return false;

    return true;

 * Add the service point details to the order confirmation e-mail
 * sent to the customer.
 * @param array $params
public function hookActionEmailAddAfterContent(array $params)
    $template = $params['template'];
    if ('order_conf' != $template) {

    $cart = $this->context->cart;
    $point = SendcloudServicePoint::getFromCart($cart->id);
    if (!$point->id || !$point->details) {

        'point_details' => $point->getDetails()

    $details_html = $this->display(

    $details_txt = $this->display(

    $template_html = str_replace(
        '{delivery_block_html}' . $details_html,
    $params['template_html'] = $template_html;

    $template_txt = str_replace(
        '{delivery_block_txt}' . $details_txt,
    $params['template_txt'] = $template_txt;

 * After the payment being successfuly accepted the order is created and
 * a confirmation screen is shown. We use it to send the service
 * point and order details back to SendCloud.
 * @param  array $params
 * @return string
public function hookDisplayOrderConfirmation(array $params)
    $order = isset($params['objOrder']) ? $params['objOrder'] :
        // 1.7+ uses `order` parameter.
        isset($params['order']) ? $params['order'] : null;

    if (!$order || !$this->servicePointsAvailable()) {
        return '';

    $carrier = $this->connector->getOrSynchroniseCarrier();
    $cart = new Cart($order->id_cart);
    if (!$cart || $cart->id_carrier != $carrier->id) {
        return '';

    $shop = $this->context->shop;
    $point = SendcloudServicePoint::getFromCart($order->id_cart);
    $delivery_address = new Address($order->id_address_delivery);
        'order' => $order,
        'shop_url' => $shop->getBaseURL(),
        'prestashop_flavor' => SendcloudTools::getPSFlavor(),
        'delivery_address' => $delivery_address,
        'point_details' => $point->getDetails(),
        'txt_service_point_details' => $this->getMessage('service_point_details'),
    return $this->display(

 * Tabs are not supported on PrestaShop 1.5, so we hook into the
 * `displayAdminOrder` to show service point details, when available.
 * @see SendcloudShipping::hookDisplayAdminOrderTabShip
 * @see SendcloudShipping::hookDisplayAdminOrderContentShip
public function hookDisplayAdminOrder($params)
    if (SendcloudTools::getPSFlavor() != 'ps15') {
        return '';
    $id_order = isset($params['id_order']) ? $params['id_order']: null;
    $order = new Order($id_order);

    return $this->displayAdminOrderServicePoint($order);

 * Display the tab element for service point details in the Admin
 * order editing view.
 * @param  array $params
 * @return string
public function hookDisplayAdminOrderTabShip(array $params)
    $order = isset($params['order']) ? $params['order'] : null;
    $point = $this->getOrderServicePoint($order);
    if (!$point) {
        return '';
        'prestashop_flavor' => SendcloudTools::getPSFlavor(),
        'point_details' => $point->getDetails(),
        'txt_service_point_details' => $this->getMessage('service_point_details'),
    return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/hook/admin-order-tab-shipping.tpl');

 * Display the *contents* of the tab containinig the service point details
 * in the Admin order editing view.
 * @param  array $params
 * @return string
public function hookDisplayAdminOrderContentShip(array $params)
    $order = isset($params['order']) ? $params['order'] : null;
    return $this->displayAdminOrderServicePoint($order);

 * Display the service point details in the order details (history)
 * to the customer.
 * @param  array $params
 * @return string
public function hookDisplayOrderDetail(array $params)
    $order = isset($params['order']) ? $params['order'] : null;
    $point = $this->getOrderServicePoint($order);
    if (!$point) {
        return '';

        'point_details' => $point->getDetails(),
        'prestashop_flavor' => SendcloudTools::getPSFlavor(),
        'txt_service_point_details' => $this->getMessage('service_point_details'),

    return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/hook/order-details.tpl');

 * Add the service point details to the delivery slip PDF. Usually a
 * delivery slip is generated when changing the order status to
 * 'Processing in progress'
 * @param array $params
public function hookDisplayPDFDeliverySlip($params)
    $invoice = isset($params['object']) ? $params['object'] : null;
    if (!$invoice) {
        return '';
    $order = new Order($invoice->id_order);
    $point = SendcloudServicePoint::getFromCart($order->id_cart);
    if (!$point->id || !$point->details) {
        return '';

        'point_details' => $point->getDetails(),
        'txt_service_point_details' => $this->getMessage('service_point_details'),
    return $this->display(

 * Standard settings page. It redirects to the administration screen
 * using `AdminSendcloudController`
 * @return null
public function getContent()

 * Do not apply any special rules to the shipping cost calculations but
 * ensure that service point configuration was done before to make this a
 * valid choice for the end user.
 * @param  Cart  $cart
 * @param  float $shipping_cost
 * @return float The shipping costs. `false` if service points were not enabled.
public function getOrderShippingCost($cart, $shipping_cost)
    if (!$this->active || !$this->servicePointsAvailable() || !$cart->id_address_delivery) {
        return false;

    return (float)$shipping_cost;

 * Apply the same rules found in `SendcloudShipping::getOrderShippingCost()`
 * @param  object $params order params
 * @return float
public function getOrderShippingCostExternal($params)
    return $this->getOrderShippingCost($params, null);

 * SendCloud connection is shop-specific. If the end user opens the module configuration page
 * with any context other than an explicit shop (e.g: All shops, Shop Group), then we display a
 * message with instructions to switch to a Shop-specific view.
 * @return string the image URL (according to the employee language definition).
public function getMultishopWarningImage()
    if (Shop::getContextShopID(false) !== null) {
        return '';

    $lang = new Language($this->context->employee->id_lang);
    $image = $this->_path . 'views/img/demo-select-shop.png';
    $file = sprintf('views/img/demo-select-shop-%s.png', $lang->language_code);

    $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $file;
    if (file_exists($path)) {
        $image = $this->_path . $file;
    return $image;

 * Helper method to display the details of the service point in the
 * back office. Keep it DRY, since PS 1.6 and PS 1.5 uses different hooks
 * to display service points.
 * @param  Order $order
 * @return string
private function displayAdminOrderServicePoint(Order $order)
    if (!$order->id) {
        return '';

    $point = $this->getOrderServicePoint($order);
    if (!$point) {
        return '';

        'prestashop_flavor' => SendcloudTools::getPSFlavor(),
        'point_details' => $point->getDetails(),
        'txt_service_point_details' => $this->getMessage('service_point_details'),
    return $this->display(__FILE__, 'views/templates/hook/admin-order-content-shipping.tpl');

 * Creates the adminstration tab for the module. It can be found at
 * Administration > SendCloud Shipping after installation.
 * @return bool true if the tab was sucessfully created.
private function installTab()
    $tab = new Tab();
    $tab->module = $this->name;
    $tab->active = true;
    $tab->class_name = 'AdminSendcloud';
    $tab->name = array();

    foreach (Language::getLanguages(true) as $lang) {
        $tab->name[$lang['id_lang']] = 'SendCloud';

    $parent = Tools::version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=') ?
        Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminParentShipping') : Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminShipping');
    $tab->id_parent = (int)$parent;
    return $tab->add();

 * Removes the adminstration tab created by SendcloudShipping::installTab()
 * @return bool
private function uninstallTab()
    $id_tab = (int)Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminSendcloud');
    if ($id_tab) {
        $tab = new Tab($id_tab);
        return $tab->delete();
    // A tab may not be created at all, so there's no reason to fail
    // uninstallation because of that.
    return true;

 * Create necessary entities in the database in order to make the module
 * to work.
 * @return bool `true` if every entity gets created correctly.
private function installSQL()
    $queries = include dirname(__FILE__) . '/sql/install.php';
    return $this->performInstallQueries($queries);

 * Remove every module specific entities from the database.
 * @return bool `true` if every entity is removed correctly.
private function uninstallSQL()
    $queries = include dirname(__FILE__) . '/sql/uninstall.php';
    return $this->performInstallQueries($queries);

 * Execute a collection of SQL queries of the install/uninstall procedures.
 * @param  array $queries List of raw SQL queries to execute.
 * @return bool `true` if all queries were executed successfuly.
private function performInstallQueries(array $queries)
    foreach ($queries as $query) {
        if (!Db::getInstance()->execute($query)) {
            return false;
    return true;

 * Saves the service point information based on `$raw_data`.
 * @param Cart   $cart
 * @param string $raw_data URL-encoded JSON data about the service point.
private function saveServicePoint(Cart $cart, $raw_data)
    $details = urldecode($raw_data);
    if (!Tools::jsonDecode($details)) {
        return false;

    $point = SendcloudServicePoint::getFromCart($cart->id);
    $point->details = $details;
    if (!$point->save()) {
        return false;
    return $point;

 * Retrieve the Service Point details related to the specified `$order`.
 * @param Order $order
private function getOrderServicePoint($order)
    if (!$order || $order->isVirtual()) {
    $point = SendcloudServicePoint::getFromCart($order->id_cart);
    if (!$point->id || !$point->details) {

    return $point;


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