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Change to multishop from single shop


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We have a shop with about 2500 products. The number of categories has grown overtime and we think it would be better to have them split in 2 different shops. Is this possible with the multishop feature? There is almost no documentation to read so hope for advice


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It seems that it is possible. But what is not clear is if we can show different categories. Its clear that we can choose to only show some categories in the new shop but the whole idea is to not show this categories in the main shop. Is this possible

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Your question is very unclear for me. Haven't you already solved it with your response?

But yeah it's for sure possible. But keep in mind that multistore brings some issues up and is more complex to handle. I am a multistore user for years, but we plan to go down to single store.

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My question was if it is possible to have different categories active in the "mothershop" and the "child". When I read tutorials its clear that the child can have limited categories from the mother, but can these categories be disabled from the mother? Otherwise its no use.

However we thought about having two separate shops also but the workload to move 1200 products with images were not tempting. the products is no problem but the images is not as simple as take an sqldump

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8 minutes ago, Havouza said:

For me the mothership is the original one that holds the db.

I am not sure if he have got the multistore technically correct. For example check the table "ps_product_shop". You will see that every product has it's own row per shop. But yeah it's good, if you rethink everything multiple times. Its tempting to start multiple stores, but it has it's drawback... 

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