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Trying to get PS 1.5-style tabs in 30bz



Hi everyone,

I'm trying to get PS 1.5 sytle tabs to work in 30bz. @Nemo has a very helpful tutorial about how to do it with PS 1.6 but it involves editing the theme's product.tpl file and this file has been heavily rewritten in 30bz.

Following @Nemo's tutorial a friend of mine (I suck completely at PHP) tried to correctly insert the PS 1.5 code into the 30bz product.tpl file, but the insertion points @Nemo mentioned were often not there so the code is likely in the wrong place. After hacking around with it for a bit I renamed the original file on a brand new 30bz 1.0.1 installation and uploaded the hacked together product.tpl. The result is this:


If that looks exactly like a normal product page, you're right. Making the changes with PS 1.5 code didn't actually result in any changes in the rendered page.

So I assume something is badly wrong with the file I uploaded but I don't know what. @Nemo, any ideas? @mdekker?

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@slick_303 said in Trying to get PS 1.5-style tabs in 30bz:

It doesn't include the reviews section, how does one make that a tab as well? 0_1514687784016_Capture.PNG


<ul id="more_info_tabs" class="idTabs idTabsShort clearfix">



So that this hook becomes a list item... or at least it should be.

Go to the route themes/your_theme/modules/productcomments and edit the tab.tpl file.

You need to change this:


{l s='Reviews' mod='productcomments'}


To this:

<li><a href="#idTab5" class="idTabHrefShort page-product-heading">{l s='Reviews' mod='productcomments'}</a></li>

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Thanx for that @moy2010 ..

That made it a tab, but the review info is still showing in all the tabs. To fix, I did the following changes to themes/your_theme/modules/productcomments/productcomments.tpl..

I changed this.. ```

{if !empty($comments)} ``` to this.. ```
{if !empty($comments)} ``` and changed this.. ```
{l s='No customer reviews for the moment.' mod='productcomments'}
{/if} {/if}
``` to this.. ```
{l s='No customer reviews for the moment.' mod='productcomments'}
{/if} {/if}


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