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Combinations vanished. Can't add new combinations



I spent two full days adding my inventory to TB. I sell roasted coffee. One type of coffee has four variations (Drip grind, whole bean, sample size and single serve pods). I created every single product, created the combinations, uploaded four images of each coffee, edited the price and weight differences per variation, and everything was there and working great! I went to eat dinner and when I returned to add a blog article, I clicked on one of my coffees just to confirm the reference number....AND THE COMBINATIONS WERE GONE!!!!!

I was shocked! I then attempted to add the combination back to the product, and when I clicked the "Save and Stay" button, it processed and said "Saved Successful"....except it wasn't successful. The combination refused to be added.

PLEASE HELP! I've wasted an entire weekend only to have combinations vanish with no input or touching anything or doing anything!!!!

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2 answers to this question

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Seems like some sort of cache issue.

Try clearing all enabled caches in BO. If it doesn't work disable them. If this doesn't work clear your browser cache. If this doesn't work check if you have some sort of server side caching and clear/disable it.


At every stage the fixing of the issue is different so please come back with findings and we will be able to help.



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