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Looking for someone exclusively to work on my site from time to time. I do not need help often - at all. Maybe 2x a freakin' year? 🙂 Have an online store up and running for the past 3 years or more. I know how to do a lot in ThirtyBees, but sometimes (like now) I can't figure it out and just want someone exclusively to help. I will pay, of course, but again, it's not often that I will need help. Instead of searching for someone or messing up my site, hopefully someone can come to me. 

Send me a message, please, if interested in being my helper. Must know ThirtyBees well, of course. I will be giving you admin access to my site.


Edited by CoffeeGuy
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Personally, I have set up a ticket system allowing everyone to benefit from help and support.

So, you order a ticket, you communicate me the need, I see if I can do it in the hour attached to the ticket or if it will take several tickets for the resolution.

Don't hesitate if this is the way you want to work.


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Not sure if I understand. So I buy a module to add to... my site? And create a ticket for help on my own site? And someone responds there? I don't think this would work, as I only will need help about 2x a year on small problems.


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6 minutes ago, CoffeeGuy said:

Not sure if I understand. So I buy a module to add to... my site? And create a ticket for help on my own site? And someone responds there? I don't think this would work, as I only will need help about 2x a year on small problems.

Why are you talking to me about a module ????

You order an intervention ticket, you tell me the problem and I answer it either in the hour bought with the ticket, or I inform you of the number of tickets to buy to correct your problem.

No module, just messages after the purchase of the intervention.


Pourquoi me parlez-vous de module ????

Vous commandez un ticket d'intervention, vous me dites le souci et j'y réponds soit dans l'heure acheté avec le ticket, soit je vous informe du nombre de tickets à acheter pour corriger votre souci.

Pas de module, juste des messages après l'achat de l'intervention.

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1 minute ago, CoffeeGuy said:

That's what I get when I click the link. "Add to cart" button, hence, module? Maybe I am mistaking something here?

As it is, I am unable to understand what you are telling me.

Why are you talking about modules, nowhere is there any reference to them and everything is explained on the product sheet.


Dans l'état actuel des choses, je suis incapable de comprendre ce que vous me dites.

Pourquoi parlez-vous de modules, nulle part il n'y est fait référence et tout est expliqué sur la fiche produit.

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1 minute ago, CoffeeGuy said:

OH, I think I see. I pay up front for someone to help? And what if it's a 10 minute fix? What if it's a 100 minute fix?

If I can fix your problem in ten minutes, then it is to your benefit as your problem is fixed quickly as a result of my expertise acquired over many years.
If it takes longer and I feel it is necessary to acquire new tickets, you will be informed.


Si j'arrive à corriger votre problème en dix minutes, alors c'est tout bénéfice pour vous puisque votre problème est réglé rapidement suite à l'acquisition de mes compétences sur de nombreuses années.
Si cela prend plus de temps et que j'estime qu'il faut acquérir de nouveaux tickets, vous en serez informé.

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1 minute ago, CoffeeGuy said:

Sorry, not sure why it wasn't clear to me at first. 

OK, so looks like I pay up front of $121. And if the job takes 10 minutes, it's still $121 (OR 87.14 pound)

Great debate, you think something takes 10 minutes, but then why not do it yourself if you know what to do?
If you don't know what to do, time is not important, only the result is important to you because if you had to train and learn everything to do it yourself, you would spend days or weeks.

When you call a professional, you explain to him what he has to do and especially how much time it will take him and impose your rate?

Personally, if you don't want to work this way, don't worry, there are thousands of professionals with much more competitive rates and more inclined to always answer yes to any request without really knowing what it is.

I have been working on PrestaShop for over 14 years and I have been working on thirty bees since its creation, so make your own choice as a professional.

My favorite example about this debate: https://medium.com/@oceanbcreative/the-ship-repair-man-story-dd959a4469d8


Grand débat, vous estimez que quelque chose demande 10 minutes, mais alors pourquoi ne pas le faire vous-même si vous savez ce qu'il faut faire ?
Si vous ne savez pas ce qu'il faut faire, le temps n'est pas important, seul le résultat compte à vos yeux puisque si vous deviez vous former et apprendre tout pour réussir à le faire vous-même, vous y passeriez des jours ou des semaines.

Lorsque vous faites appels à un professionnel, vous lui expliquez ce qu'il doit faire et surtout combien de temps cela va lui prendre et imposer votre tarif ?

Personnellement, si vous ne souhaitez pas travailler de la sorte, pas de soucis, il existe des milliers de professionnels à des tarifs bien plus compétitifs et plus enclins à toujours répondre oui à n'importe quelle demande sans savoir réellement ce qu'il en est.

Voilà plus de 14 ans que je travaille sur PrestaShop et j'interviens sur thirty bees depuis sa création, alors faites votre propre choix en tant que professionnel.

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