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suggested database fixes after 1.4 upgrade



I just upgraded to 1.4 and in the core updater => database those appear.

Severity 	Flags 	Description 	Actions
recommended 	dangerous 	Extra column id_last_order in table tb_employee. Please ensure that this column is not used by any module before removing it 	
recommended 	dangerous 	Extra column id_last_customer_message in table tb_employee. Please ensure that this column is not used by any module before removing it 	
recommended 	dangerous 	Extra column id_last_customer in table tb_employee. Please ensure that this column is not used by any module before removing it 	
recommended 	dangerous 	Extra column hover in table tb_image. Please ensure that this column is not used by any module before removing it 	
recommended 	dangerous 	Extra column hover in table tb_image_shop. Please ensure that this column is not used by any module before removing it 	
recommended 	dangerous 	Extra column hide_host_mode in table tb_tab. Please ensure that this column is not used by any module before removing it 	

"extra column hover" I think are related to panda theme (but I'm not sure) the other ones I don't know. any suggestions?

2 answers to this question

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You can remove all except 'hover' -- that one is created by a module.

I hate it when modules modify core database tables, but they do that sometimes. And thus making system more fragile and error-prone, specially when those columns do not have default values, are part of keys, etc.

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There are a lot of mistakenly made modules for prestashop that modify core tables instead of adding their own tables to database.
Be careful with removing these columns, because the modules will stop working.
The hover column looks like it was added by such a crappy module.

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