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Modulo actualización Thirtybees

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Hola, cuando entro en el apartado módulos y servicios, me sale una advertencia arriba que dice lo siguiente:

  • El módulo de actualización de thirty bees no está activado. Actívelo para mantener thirty bees actualizado.

Le doy a "Actívelo" y no se ve ningún modulo para activar. El coreupdater lo tengo y me funciona bien, pero no entiendo esta advertencia que comento. Si supiera cual es, lo podría quitar por FTP, ya que con Coreupdater ya es suficiente.

Alguien me podría responder?


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I don't speak any Spanish so I will proceed in English. :)

This is a recent change as of this week. Up until now module updates relied on tbupdater module. Now this functionality is incorporated in the system core (in edge update channel and as of 15.06.2023) so it's easier for merchants to manage their stores.

You should update to edge channel if you have not done so until now and this line will be gone. If after updating to edge you still have 'tbupdater' module installed - uninstall and delete it.

Soon there should be 1.5 final in the 'stable' channel that incorporates this change.

A side hint: there is one more change from this week - if you update to edge and you go to Advanced -> Performance and see the following text under some of the CCC items:

You don't have any CSS Minification module installed. Combined CSS bundle will not be minified!

you should install "HTML, JS and CSS Minification" module. This was in turn separated from the core as it rose conflicts in some odd scenarios.


There are no functional changes for the core with both changes.


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