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Why can a new customer group still see products when they cannot see categories?



This is my first time attempting to utilize the customer groups feature and I'm having a little difficulty. What I am trying to accomplish is the addition of a dealer group that can purchase only certain products at the trade discount... I'm not sure I really want them to be able to purchase other products they receive no discount on.

So far I've configured the new group (modules and discounts by category) and the group has never been granted access to any of the other categories. But, I have to assume that I missed something because a test user in this group can still see products from categories they don't have access to - what am I missing please?

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I don't know what I did, but it appears that it is now working pretty much the way I wanted it to.

However, I can't find this in the documentation, so a couple of questions:

1) Should the BO modules for things like "Data Mining for Statistics", "Spreadsheet Datasource", "Theme Configurator", etc. be turned off for Visitor and Guest groups?

2) I have the "Block Imageslider" turned on for All Groups currently, but is there a way I can REPLACE that module display (hooked at "displayTopColumn") with content using the "HTML Block", but ONLY for the Visitor and Guest groups?

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Ok, it really is not working - at least not the way I would expect...

During configuration I added a new customer group named "Trade Account" that should ONLY be able to see products where they have been granted access. Problem is they can see products, like that are in categories they don't have access to from the "popular" display block on the home page (using community theme) and they can even add them to their cart. Is there a configuration setting somewhere that I have missed that would allow this group to still view all products even when the group has not been granted access to the category ?

I only want them to see products from certain categories.

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Works (somewhat) properly for me, I've just tested it with homefeatures and blockbestsales modules.

The logic for product availability is complicated.

  • Every product can belong to multiple categories.
  • Customer can belong to multiple groups.
  • To be order-able, product must be associated with at least one category that is associated with at least one customer group



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12 hours ago, datakick said:

Works (somewhat) properly for me, I've just tested it with homefeatures and blockbestsales modules.

The logic for product availability is complicated.

  • Every product can belong to multiple categories.
  • Customer can belong to multiple groups.
  • To be order-able, product must be associated with at least one category that is associated with at least one customer group



Well, apparently I'm not configuring something correctly for what I want to accomplish.

Here is what I have for settings:





THE HOME PAGE - Note! The "Popular" displayed twice is because the FEATURED PRODUCTS module has "Popular" in the default link string instead of something more appropriate like "Featured"... I've since corrected this in my tab.tpl file (if I get around to it before I forget I'll try to do another pull request to fix this). The ugly side of this little faux-pas is that I spun my wheels for about 2 hours scrutinizing code from the wrong module. (It wasn't until one of my database passes, that I realized the tb_product_sale table was empty.

SAME VIEW ONLY WITH "Featured" tab opened:


Notice that NONE of these items should be viewable by the "Trade Account" customer account used for testing (see above).

I'm stumped! ...gonna go through the database one more time to look for missing records in tables that need to be populated, but I have indeed already triple-checked 




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It appears to have been a combo configuration and data problem. I got tired of fussing with it so I truncated the tb_category_group table and added ONLY the Guest group for all of the categories (using prestools), then used the BO to establish access for the Trade Account group to the desired categories. 

To test this, I also pasted a link (modified to the dev site url) to access a product that should not be available to the Trade Account group and voila! No product displayed, however it DID give me a 404 error instead of just taking me to the home page because the viewer does not have permission, but that's the default behavior for this scenario anyway, so I just have to deal with it for now.

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