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Cannot duplicate articles ThirtyBeesException: Property Product->customizable is not valid




I cannot not make duplicates of my articles anymore.

Thirty bees version: 1.6.0

Thirty bees revision: 2e2e9ed95a2117467d58e8b44255de432185fa2b

Build for PHP version: 8.0


classes/ObjectModel.php line 1049

#0  classes/ObjectModel.php(1049)
#1  classes/ObjectModel.php(329): ObjectModelCore->validateFields()
#2  classes/ObjectModel.php(357): ObjectModelCore->getFields()
#3  classes/ObjectModel.php(606): ObjectModelCore->getFieldsPrimary()
#4  classes/Product.php(7737): ObjectModelCore->add()
#5  controllers/admin/AdminProductsController.php(828): ProductCore->add()
#6  classes/controller/AdminController.php(583): AdminProductsControllerCore->processDuplicate()
#7  controllers/admin/AdminProductsController.php(1344): AdminControllerCore->postProcess()
#8  classes/controller/Controller.php(198): AdminProductsControllerCore->postProcess()
#9  classes/Dispatcher.php(851): ControllerCore->run()
#10 admin213f1srar/index.php(58): DispatcherCore->dispatch()




and I get

Tab : Seo (500 error)
Einige Menüpunkte werden nicht korrekt angezeigt. Möchten Sie die Seite neu laden?
Bitte die Seite noch einmal neu laden!
Wenn das Problem weiter auftritt, überprüfen Sie die Log-Dateien Ihres Servers oder bitten Sie Ihren Provider um Hilfe.


when I go to a product (Artikel)


Strange behavior. I guess I cannot change or add new products.


Best wishes and Thank you for all kind of help/suggestions.

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4 answers to this question

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Thanks, datakick.

Now, I can duplicate, but I still have the problem, that I cannot change (save) existing products.

I will get messages like


Tab : VirtualProduct (500 error)
Einige Menüpunkte werden nicht korrekt angezeigt. Möchten Sie die Seite neu laden?
Bitte die Seite noch einmal neu laden!
Wenn das Problem weiter auftritt, überprüfen Sie die Log-Dateien Ihres Servers oder bitten Sie Ihren Provider um Hilfe.


(Sorry, for the German. I cannot find how to use English as backoffice language)

After reloading (several times) it works. Strange.

Best wishes


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17 minutes ago, jn1 said:

Thanks, datakick.

Now, I can duplicate, but I still have the problem, that I cannot change (save) existing products.

I will get messages like


Tab : VirtualProduct (500 error)
Some menu items are not displayed correctly. Do you want to reload the page?
Please reload the page again!
If the problem persists, check your server log files or ask your provider for help.


(Sorry, for the German. I cannot find how to use English as backoffice language)

After reloading (several times) it works. Strange.

Best wishes


You need to look into error logs (collectlogs module) to find out if there is any error. It may be caused by override, module, or whatnot.

I personally can't reproduce this issue, and I do sell virtual products.

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13 minutes ago, datakick said:

You need to look into error logs (collectlogs module) to find out if there is any error. It may be caused by override, module, or whatnot.

I personally can't reproduce this issue, and I do sell virtual products.

I will not get an new error. Might be a server problem, because the error seems to be from the server/browser.

Serverdaten Linux localhost 4.18.0-477.15.1.el8_8.x86_64 #1 SMP Linux localhost 4.18.0-477.15.1.el8_8.x86_64 #1 SMP Linux localhost 4.18.0-477.15.1.el8_8.x86_64 #1 SMP

Version der Server-Software Apache/2.4.57 (Unix)

PHP-Version 8.0.30

Speichergrenze 512M

max_execution_time 240


Shall I change my (php?)settings? I am not sure, where I can change them.


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