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Outgoing email (SMTP) doesn't work, due to mismatch in certifate Common Name (CN)



I migrated from TB 1.1 to 1.5, quite  succesfully so far. I'm only lost in getting the outgoing email to work again. I configured the PHPMailer. But when sending a test email I get the following error message: 

Failed to send email: SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. Connection failed. stream_socket_enable_crypto(): Peer certificate CN=`*.exacthost.nl' did not match expected CN=`mail.gquipment.com'

I also checked the email database settings but can't find a reference to 'exacthost.nl'. But to be honest, I don't understand what the problem is.

What can I do?

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Turned out that the server name I used was not correct.  Problem solved. Now I only have to fight he  usual "Failed to send email: SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP". I  used a multistore  config and I noticed  that in the database the shop instance specific credentials are old ones. It is not clear how that is possible but at least I know where to look 🙂

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Yes, I'm  aware, but I  still don't get it going, pfff. I'm pretty sure I use correct credentials, server name, connection type and  port number (I double checked it with  the hosting provider).  And I know the PHPmail module is flawless. I'm afraid that the problem is with what is stored in the database. There are multiple entries without shop-id. I'm using  shop-id=2 (I have two shops but only use one actively). The info for shop-id=2 looks good though. I'll attach a screen shot.

But those empty fields, would that be a problem? And one must be aware what shop is selected when configuring the outgoing email.Capture2.PNG.95133976b5b96906fb98af574370a245.PNG

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Still looking for the cause of this problem. Which code is activated when I press the test email button in the back office? Maybe I can figure it out from there. I'm getting that desperate 🙂

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On 6/17/2024 at 11:22 AM, Dolfijn said:

In the end, it was a configuration error at the email service provider. Nothing wrong with TB PHPMail, as  expected 🙂

Are you able to share what the configuration error was? I'm unable to receive emails from my site, even though TB syas they are sent . If you know what configuration changess your host made, that could help others.

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