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Display errors on website pages, header, cart and images



Hello, I need to hire someone to repair the site-page  errors that suddenly appeared in my site at https://extractorking.com

I did not make any changes and things have been working fine for years so I'm not sure what changed to cause this. Can someone recommend a company or person who is able to take a look and let me know what can be done? It looks to me like some core files are corrupted and need to be replaced but I'm not sure.

Please contact me, WayneB

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5 answers to this question

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What kind of errors do you get? When I open your link, it seems to work fine. 

Maybe your webhoster forced you to update the php version and this caused some issues. This is just my random guess, when somebody claims "I haven't done anything at all".

If you need help, I normally would buy offical support hours: https://store.thirtybees.com/. I buy hours there too and I am a coder myself 😅

Edited by wakabayashi
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Thanks for the reply. The errors i get are the image slider graphic is missing. The very top of the website had the top banner module used but now it's gone even though the module is active and banner graphic shows in the backend. The square images under the banner some are missing and show a black line instead of the clickable product. The left menu wasn't working and now it is.... I have attached a screenshot of what i see. I also tried changing to the naira theme and am getting some of the same errors. Are you seeing the same errors or is everything displaying correctly for you? I have tried in several other browsers but see the same thing. The cart was also diplaying incorrectly before as in it looked broken on the page. It seems to suddenly started working. Very odd errors that keep changing. I have never experienced anything like this. I have also included some config info in .jpg attachement.

I had been using Ptre from Datakick but can't seem to get in touch with him anymore. Is there a way to contact him through this site? I have an account on his site but am not getting a reply lately. He does amazing work and i was hoping to get in touch with him for help on this.


Thank you for any help you can give, WayneB



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Do you mean an apache module? Would i need to disable the module and recompile apache or could it be disabled under cPanel user interface?


Thank you for the info, WayneB.

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It was the google page speed module for sure! i disabled it then recompiled apache and all is working fine now. Thank you for your help on this 😉 I really appreciate it. Have a great night.

Thank you for your time, WayneB.


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